Monday, October 22, 2007

Mikomi Webcam Compatible Driver

Kürzliche internationale Festivaltermine


In November 2007, EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was on show at WT Os International Film Festival in the Norwegian town of Os. There the film was nominated as one of four for the prize "Best Documentary"!

The full festival program here , and on page 19, the Norwegian summary refers to the documentary.

The prize "Best Documentary" was finally won by the U.S. Although documentary "Strictly Background ", but the nomination was a great honor. According to festival organizers for the interest EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was very large, and the film was very well received. Thank you!

EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was the WT Os International Film Festival in Norway on 9th November 2007 at 19:30 shown.


The second festival screening of EVERY STEP YOU TAKE in Austria after its world premiere in March 2007 diagonal in in November 2007 at the Student Film Festival film: riss 07 in Salzburg place, where director Nino Leitner studied and completed the documentary as his thesis film.

The team was pleased that the film was shown at a festival in the city where much of the editing and post production work was done on film.

The official program entry can be found here .

EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was in film: riss 07 in Salzburg on 15th November 2007 at 19:00 shown.


In October 2007 the Deutschland-Premiere von EVERY STEP YOU TAKE beim 22. Unabhängigen FilmFest Osnabrück statt.

Dort wurde der Film auch zum ersten Mal mit deutschen Untertiteln gezeigt, um möglichst vielen Menschen die Möglichkeit zu geben, alles zu verstehen. Optionale deutsche Untertitel sind auch auf der DVD-Version des Filmes verfügbar, die jetzt bestellt werden kann .

EVERY STEP YOU TAKE war einer von wenigen Filmen, die für den Friedensfilmpreis der Stadt Osnabrück nominiert waren.

Das offizielle Programm findet sich hier , der Dokumentarfilm wurde am 18. Oktober 2007 um 17:30 im Kino in der Lagerhalle gezeigt.

Regisseur Nino Leitner flog nach Osnabrück zur Vorführung und stand nach dem Film dem Publikum Rede und Antwort. Das deutsche Publikum zeigte sich begeistert vom Film, und so wurde die Frage-Antwort-Stunde zu einer lebhaften Diskussion über verschiedene Aspekte aus dem Film. Nicht zuletzt auch aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Osnabrücks Bürger selbst seit einigen Tagen erstmals Objekte der neu installierten öffentlichen Videoüberwachung wurden - was natürlich zu gemischten Reaktionen führte.

All in all it was a fantastic festival in a very friendly and welcoming environment, with numerous other international film wonders that both treated the audience, but also often led to interesting discussions among various people. The Independent Film Festival Osnabrück should not be missed also! It is truly a perfect insider's tip.

photos © 22nd Independent Film Festival Osnabrück


EVERY STEP YOU TAKE South America had its successful premiere in Brazil at the 31st Mostra - São Paulo International Film Festival !

The festival was held from 19 October to 1 November in the mega-metropolis of São Paulo, Brazil, instead. director Nino Leitner attend flew halfway around the globe to the premiere in Brazil!

you believe the biographical data in the official catalog, was the youngest director Nino Leitner among all directors , which had a long film at the festival! Altogether about 470 films were shown at the festival.

An Interview with director Nino Leitner found on the official website of the 31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema (- you have to scroll down a bit, da auf der Seite auch viele andere Interviews vorhanden sind).

Klicken Sie hier, um eine Foto-Galerie mit Aufnahmen von der aufregenden Brasilien-Premiere bei diesem riesigen Festival zu sehen!

Die genauen Vorführdaten von EVERY STEP YOU TAKE ( CADA PASSO QUE VOCÊ DÁ ) waren wie folgt:

23.10.2007 um 16:00 im Centro Cultural São Paulo ,
24.10.2007 um 19:10 im Cine Pombril Sala 2 .

Der Film wurde mit einem anderen Film im PROGRAME DUPLO 3 in der Sektion INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE des Festivals gezeigt.

Program entry in English
director entry in English

program entry in Portuguese
director entry in Portuguese

photos © 31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Useful Spanish Words For Wedding

London-Premiere am Portobello Film Festival - FREIER EINTRITT!

Less than a month after the the UK premiere of EVERY STEP YOU TAKE at the Cambridge Film Festival 2007 the huge Portobello Film Festival will host the London premiere of the documentary.

And best of all, admission to all events at the Portobello Film Festival is free!

Portobello Film Festival 2007 held from 1 - 21 August 2007 at various venues in London. EVERY STEP YOU TAKE at will as part of the Documentary Day "5 August (12:00 to 23:00) are shown. According to the official program for this day EVERY STEP will be one of the last films of the day, which means that it should be shown in the evening at about 20:00. Please be there earlier, nevertheless, as the program committee could decide to show the film but sooner - and besides, it is usual to give only limited seats.

Learn with the complete official program (in PDF format) here (is EVERY STEP mentioned on pages 5 and 6) , or just visit the Portobello Film Festival website for details of all kinds

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Kates Playground Height

Britische Premiere am Cambridge Film Festival 2007

EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was on 12 July 2007 its British premiere at the 27th Cambridge Film Festival , and it was a great success - he became the ten most popular films of the festival .

director Nino Leitner was after the screening on 12 July for a question and answer session is available. He was drawn into discussions about the film with a very critical and interested audience.

This question-answer session was videotaped, and is here with us now available:

"I am delighted to have been invited to this prestigious event, one of the UK's largest film festival, The. This documentary has finally reached its target audience, the British public. The feedback was great, a very educated audience. " notes director Nino Leitner.

"I think the film could actually help some fresh views on the controversial topic of CCTV, which is discussed in the British media has neither sufficient nor balanced."

"Ich fand es atemberaubend, wie Filmemacher-freundlich und persönlich mit uns am Festival umgegangen wurde, so etwas habe ich vorher noch nicht erlebt. Ich hoffe, irgendwann wieder beim Cambridge Film Festival eingeladen zu werden."

Bitte besuchen Sie die offizielle Website des 27th Cambridge Film Festivals für Details und das offizielle Programm. Hier finden Sie den offiziellen Festival-Eintrag auf der Website. Und hier können Sie das offizielle Festival-Programm downloaden , der Eintrag von EVERY STEP YOU TAKE ist auf Seite 46 oder gleich hier .

Vorführtermin war Donnerstag, 12. Juli 16:30 in Arts Picturehouse in Cambridge.

And here, finally, a promotional interview with Nino Leitner, the front of the "Every Step You Take" Premiere shot at the CFF of a team member of the festival:

Monday, July 2, 2007

How To Cover Furniture With Wrapping Paper

Kroatische Premiere am Libertas Film Festival 2007

Only a week after the announcement that EVERY STEP YOU TAKE its UK premiere at Cambridge will celebrate Film Festival , we are pleased to present us another festival invitation for the documentary can:

The Libertas Film Festival , the 29 June to 4 July 2007 wunderschönen Dubrovnik in Kroatien stattfindet, wird die kroatische Premiere unseres Filmes veranstalten.

Lernen Sie mehr über das Festival auf seiner offiziellen Website .

Sa., 30.6., 16:30 im Theatre Marin Dr ž i ć in Dubrovnik.

Hier finden Sie den vollständigen Vorführplan mit Beginnzeiten und -orten.

Es freut uns außerordentlich, dort zusammen mit einer nur kleinen Auswahl von anderen ambitionierten (aber hauptsächlich 'größeren') documentary to be shown !

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fenway Park Bathrooms

Major new newspaper and television reports! Updated

"31st Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo - Catalog, October 2007

" Celluloid ", July 2007

" Econova, June 2007

"Tyrolean", May 2007

"6020", Mai 2007

Dieser Bericht wurde am 3. April 2007 um 19:00 auf ORF2 in der Sendung "Tirol Heute" ausgestrahlt. Das Fünf-Minuten-Special enthält einen Ausschnitt (Zusammenschnitt) aus dem Film sowie ein ziemlich langes Studiointerview mit Nino Leitner, der live während der Ausstrahlung im Studio Rede und Antwort stand!

Zahlreiche neue Berichte in Printmedien wurden veröffentlicht, allen voran jeweils zwei doppelseitige Berichte in den Tiroler Magazinen " Tirolerin " und " 6020 "! Informieren Sie sich in der erneut aktualisierten Presse-Sektion über weitere neue Berichte!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Can Models Have Bump In Nose


Als Folge der Weltpremiere von "Every Step You Take" auf dem Diagonale 07 Film Festival in Graz hat es einige mediale Aufmerksamkeit rund um den Film und das Projekt im Allgemeinen gegeben. Hier finden sich alle Medienberichte, die bislang erschienen sind - bitte schicken Sie uns weitere Berichte, wenn Ihnen noch weiter in die Hände fallen sollten (via e-Mail unter ).

Printmedien: - DVD Rezension "Every Step You Take"

• Cambridge Film Festival 2007 - official festival program , entry on page 46

• Celluloid, July 2007, page 36 - "Big Brother is a reality,"
• Econova, June 2007 Page 168 - "Big brothers watching you"
• Schikaneder Programme Bulletin June 2007, page 4
• 6020 Magazine, May 2007, pages 36-37 - "Big Brothers" - Portrait of Nino Leitner and film success in the year's diagonal
• Tyrolean, May 2007, pages 20-21 - "Nino Leitner - At every turn on TV" - Portrait of Nino Leitner and interview about the film
• Weekend Magazine, 07/04/2007, Page 71 - "step by step"
• Courier, 22/03/2007, page 15 - Portrait of Nino Leitner
• The Standard - DerDiagonaleStandard Special, 03/19/2007 - Tips - Monitoring ( online version )
• butterfly Diagonale 07 special, page 26 - Plot Description •
Tiroler Tageszeitung, 03.23.2007 , page 14 - Tiroler filmmakers on the diagonal
• Diagonal 07 Festival catalog entry, cover, pages 76-77 and 98-99

television and radio items:

• Press TV - "Cine Politics" - Review of Every Step You Take (25 minutes)
• 3 Sat, 03/13/2007, 22:25 , "News from the Austrian film" - A short presentation of the documentary
• ORF 1, 22/03/2007, shorts and skirts - the long night of short film " - Presentation of Nino Leitner's short film" break " of the Shorts on Screen Award for 2007 has won Tirol - followed by a Kurportrait of Reigsseurs including a preview of "Every Step You Take"
• ORF2, 03/04/2007, "Tirol Today " - Presentation of the documentary, live interview with Nino Leitner
• Info Screen Vienna, 14/06/2007 - movie preview for the last Schikaneder demonstration, ran on all information screens in the subway stations of Vienna
! • Radio Tirol, 31/05/2007 - Announcement of the "Night of the Tyrolean short film" in the ORF Kultur Haus Tirol (1 June 2007), including an interview with Nino Leitner about his film career, short films and his first documentary (review length about . 3 minutes)
• Radio Tirol, 03/04/2007 - Interview with Nino Leitner, Teaser for the "Tirol Today" interview
• Radio FR 107.1 Freistadt - show "now - the youth magazine"

audio post:

• Diagonal 07 press conference, Director Birgit Flos, 09.03.2007 in Vienna (excerpt)

Online Reports: - DVD review "Every Step You Take"
• 07/10/2008: Three out of four Germans for more video surveillance
• 30.06.2008: surveillance cameras are useless!
• 26.06.2008: plans for the screening of all Zuggäste shelved
• 26.06.2008: surveillance camera lernt intelligentes Hören
• 23.06.2008: Nino Leitners Doku "Every Step You Take" - Rezension, Preisrätsel und Interview
• 09.06.2008: Tragen von Hüten in Pubs verboten
• 06.06.2008: Klagen gegen Kfz-Massenabgleich eingereicht
• 10.05.2008: Kein Geld für eigenes Musikvideo? - Britische Band ließ sich von Überwachungskameras filmen
The Spy Blog: "Every Step You Take - CCTV surveillance documentary - review" 22/03/2007 - Millionen Filmstars wider Willen
FM4 Diagonale Log #2 22/03/2007 20/03/2007 - Diagonal turns ten
• The Big Brother 27/03/2007 - video documentary "Every Step You Take"
• The Standard (APA) 22/03/2007 - Salzburg woman wins talent competition "shorts on screen
Salzburger Nachrichten 23/03/2007 - Size
APA-OTS 22/03/2007 - shorts on screen 07 award trailer - Everytime Step You Take
FH Salzburg News 23/03/2007 - Nino Leitner and Laura NÖBAUER movies were / are shown
Ö1 cultural calendar 08/02/2007
• Global CCTV Hub
• Interview mit auf Nino Leitner (vollständige PDF transcript) •
• Surveillance Studies
• The Ideal Government Project

• "The cameras did not prevent the death of Jamie ..." - Nino Leitner, author a documentary about CCTV (French)
Revista Dois Pontos (Brazilian) Cumhuriyet Pazar Dergi
(Turkish Newspaper 11/02/2007- PDF link), (online version here )

Please tell us here with when they come to no more broken links. Thank you!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Flip Cam Minor Unterschied Ultra

Regular performances in Austria - EXTENDED!

We look forward to the first regular public screenings of "Every Step You Take" to announce in Austrian cinemas!

After its successful world premiere at the size 07 in March, "Every Step You Take" from June in selected Austrian cinemas and other venues are shown.

The first cinema, which presents the documentary, will be the Schikaneder in Vienna. (Screenings at Leokino were moved to Innsbruck in the fall.)

EXTENSION! Because of its success were added for the summer three more shows in the Schikaneder! This time, it "Late Night Specials" are:

Here NEW dates in Schikaneder (note change!):

• Fri, 10 August, 23:00
• Fri, 17 August, 23:00
• Fri, 24 August, 23:00

• Tue 19 June, 19:00

• Tue 12 June, 21:00
• Sat, 9th June, 19:00

address Schikaneder:
Margaret Straße 24 1040 Wien

Book online here or by phone at +43 (0) 1 58 55 888 daily from 18:00 on +43 (0) 1 58 52 867

This movie preview is on 14 June 2007 shown on all the information screens in Vienna.

On 1 June, the excellent short film " break " (in which Nino directed and which was awarded the provincial prizes for Tirol ORF short film competition " Shorts on Screen 07 " won) as part of the " night of the Tyrolean short film " in ORF demonstrated Culture Haus Tirol . As a bonus, was at the very end nor a demonstration of "Every Step You Take" with free admission, the audience response has been very sympathetic!

Some photos from the interview mit ORF Moderator Thomas Arbeiter können hier abgerufen werden , und ein ganzes Video vom Interview findet sich gleich hier:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Dinosaur Cartoon Tv Show

World Premiere: One of 5 most popular DIAGONALE movies, both times SOLD OUT!

Der Film hat seine Weltpremiere auf der DIAGONALE 07 - FESTIVAL DES ÖSTERREICHISCHEN FILMS , in Graz, am 21. März um 12:00 gefeiert, und wurde am 23. März nochmals gezeigt.

Beide Vorstellungen waren restlos ausverkauft, und die Publikumsreaktionen waren überaus positiv.

Doch nicht genug: "Every Step You Take" wurde vom Publikum aus 42 zur Wahl stehenden Langfilmen zu einem der beliebtesten 5 Filme der ganzen DIAGONALE 07 (die Finalisten für den Publikumspreis) gewählt, und das als einziger Film, der ganz ohne Förderungen und sogar ohne Produktionsfirma auskam! Hier findet sich die diesbezügliche Pressemitteilung vom 25.3.2007.

Das Finale um den Publikumspreis gewann schließlich Mirjam Ungers " Vienna's Lost Daughters ", ein berührender Dokumentarfilm eight old women who have fled as a young girl from the Nazis from Vienna to New York, here and tell their life stories.

Click on a photo or here to go to the diagonal photo gallery from "Every Step You Take" World Premiere.

EVERY STEP YOU TAKE is now in the festival-submission phase.

Please check here regularly for all dates and locations. The film will be including in the UK and German long are shown. At a later stage, the film is released here on the official movie site .

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Itching Legs After Pedicure

3sat and ORF television reports online

This TV film was the 13th March to 22:25 on 3Sat under the program "News from the Austrian film presents.

The show will be repeated at a later stage in the ORF (dates to be announced).

"Every Step You Take" is celebrating its original English version on the DIAGONALE 07 at the Graz 21.3. its premiere (see below).

This mini-portrait was on 22.3.2007 at 22:50 as part of the consignment - sent to ORF1 "shorts and skirts the long night of short films. Nino Leitner, with his short film " time out" which is fully in place in 36 hours, the " Shorts on Screen 07 " won the competition for the province of Tyrol.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

How To Trim Bambo Roman Shades

Every Step You Take - Trailer

"Every Step You Take" Trailer of Nino Leitner .

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Walmart Porch Swing With Stands

About the documentary

With an estimated four million surveillance cameras, Britain is by far the most-watched nation on earth. Each City of London is about 300 times per day recorded by surveillance cameras. How did it come about in George Orwell's mother country? Why do other countries have such a massive surveillance does not copy the strategy, if it is really are as successful as the Home Office and the police? To prevent real crime, or was "CCTV", as the video surveillance is called in the British Isles, introduced only as a placebo against a diffuse fear of crime in the population? Finally played any vested interests in the matter?

When trying to answer questions like these, Nino Leitner's documentary "EVERY STEP YOU TAKE" digs deep into an entirely British phenomenon: nation-wide video surveillance. The film combines interviews with British security researcher Clive Norris, deputy chief of the British Transport Police, Andy Trotter, a spokesman for the UK's largest civil rights group Liberty, the manager of public video surveillance in Southampton, experts in the field of traffic surveillance and many more. The situation is the opposite found in Austria, one in recent times quickly rearming "developing country" in terms of CCTV. This includes Dr. Hans Zeger of the consortium data and find who lives in England Austrian journalist and musician Robert Rotifer hearing. Investigative research uncovers secrets

that will be worrying for any critical-thinking Europeans ...

Monday, January 1, 2007

What's The Largest An Email Attachent Should Be

For the film, interviews were conducted with the following people: Director's Statement

• Professor Clive Norris (University of Sheffield, Department of Sociological Studies, Deputy Director of the Centre for Criminological Research)

• Barry Hugill (spokesman for Liberty , the largest civil rights organization in Britain)

Andy Trotter (Deputy Chief Constable, British Transport Police)

• Professor Lars Mosesson Solent ( University, Southampton, Law Institute)

• Mark Smith (manager of public video surveillance, Southampton City Council )

• Dr. Hans Zeger (Austria's leading privacy advocates, chairman of the Working Data)

Robert Rotfier (Austrian journalist and musician living in England since 1997)

• Paul Smith (Chairman of the Scotland-based Safe Speed \u200b\u200bCampaign )

• James Morris (CEO of the Shoreditch Digital Bridge allows residents of the London borough of Hackney alia, access to public CCTV cameras aus ihrer Gegend über ihr Fernsehgerät)

• Robert Gifford (Executive Director des britischen Parliamentary
Advisory Council for Transport Safety, PACTS

• Professor Dr. Clive Bloom (emeritus Professor für Englisch und Amerikanistik, außerordentlicher Professor an der University of Notre Dame (London), Autor von "Violent London" und anderen Bestsellern)