Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How To Remove Double Stick Tape From Walls Ikea

Idea No.16 - something completely crazy machen und dich lebendig fühlen

The idea that inspired me today, I discovered in my advent calendar (see below). There, namely the following proposal is related to:

"Once in a lifetime should increase each in the evening gown in a fountain and feel like a übermüti GE goddess."

This may not be for everyone ... but this proposal could potentially bring up their own ideas. Finally, the vast majority of people never dare to do something. It is important to leave the beaten path, to feel alive. Or even as a "wanton goddess! In situations that give you the feeling to be gray and worn, you will help the memory of this experience to be back and happy colors! And if you try it out or something like that there have also done this before ... Write it here and bring others a good idea!

D e r Other Advent. Other times, Hamburg 2008 eV

Monday, February 23, 2009

Good Bronzing Lotions

Ein paar Worte zum Thema ... von Konfuzius!

I found this beautiful set of Wolff Horbach, and I like it better:

"Who wants to live happily, it is often re- . invent "

And by the way: do not delay. Today is the beginning of 'often' is!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Naughtiest Strip Clubs In America

Idee No.15 - versende eine Flaschenpost

Have you ever sent a bottle? As a child I have often done, and it can be very exciting. A letter to the unknown Finder write and dream behind the corked and sealed bottle - or, if you dare, even to write your address and see what happens ... Maybe you get to know in this unusual way of a very special person!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bunion Sleeve For Runners

Idee No.14 - Steig absichtlich in den falschen Zug

If you think every now and then, your life could use a little more adventure, or if you somehow found the same every day, could this idea be something for you:
on a major railway station triggers you imagine an ticket and step into any train. Let yourself go a few stops far and was open for what happened.

Where will you this decision? Whom will you make? What you will see and experience?

I think once in a lifetime you should have tried that!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Probiotics And Grapefruit

Text von Erich Fried für Unentschlossene

also unlived life
is ending
although perhaps more slowly
like a battery in a flashlight
uses none. will
If (let's say) flick this flashlight
to so-and so many years :
But does not much
is no longer out of breath, light
and when you open my
you find only your bones
and if you've eaten bad

Since you had
as good
can shine!

My idea about this: Shine! Right now!