Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Dinosaur Cartoon Tv Show

World Premiere: One of 5 most popular DIAGONALE movies, both times SOLD OUT!

Der Film hat seine Weltpremiere auf der DIAGONALE 07 - FESTIVAL DES ÖSTERREICHISCHEN FILMS , in Graz, am 21. März um 12:00 gefeiert, und wurde am 23. März nochmals gezeigt.

Beide Vorstellungen waren restlos ausverkauft, und die Publikumsreaktionen waren überaus positiv.

Doch nicht genug: "Every Step You Take" wurde vom Publikum aus 42 zur Wahl stehenden Langfilmen zu einem der beliebtesten 5 Filme der ganzen DIAGONALE 07 (die Finalisten für den Publikumspreis) gewählt, und das als einziger Film, der ganz ohne Förderungen und sogar ohne Produktionsfirma auskam! Hier findet sich die diesbezügliche Pressemitteilung vom 25.3.2007.

Das Finale um den Publikumspreis gewann schließlich Mirjam Ungers " Vienna's Lost Daughters ", ein berührender Dokumentarfilm eight old women who have fled as a young girl from the Nazis from Vienna to New York, here and tell their life stories.

Click on a photo or here to go to the diagonal photo gallery from "Every Step You Take" World Premiere.

EVERY STEP YOU TAKE is now in the festival-submission phase.

Please check here regularly for all dates and locations. The film will be including in the UK and German long are shown. At a later stage, the film is released here on the official movie site .

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Itching Legs After Pedicure

3sat and ORF television reports online

This TV film was the 13th March to 22:25 on 3Sat under the program "News from the Austrian film presents.

The show will be repeated at a later stage in the ORF (dates to be announced).

"Every Step You Take" is celebrating its original English version on the DIAGONALE 07 at the Graz 21.3. its premiere (see below).

This mini-portrait was on 22.3.2007 at 22:50 as part of the consignment - sent to ORF1 "shorts and skirts the long night of short films. Nino Leitner, with his short film " time out" which is fully in place in 36 hours, the " Shorts on Screen 07 " won the competition for the province of Tyrol.