A resolution for the new year
I've had often written about the question of what exactly constitutes actually the "inner" or "real" age of a person. I do not believe that numbers represent on a birth certificate as a real statement - and perhaps did Pablo Casals today given me an answer to my question. What do you think? He said that ...
As long as you can love and admire, one is always young.
Gefällt mir!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Denise Milani Mega Tread
fliplife - brave new world
Seit dem 31. August habe ich einen neuen Grund, gerne im Web unterwegs zu sein: das Social Game "fliplife". Mittlerweile habe ich mich auf Level 38 hochgearbeitet und da ist es Zeit, einige Anmerkungen zu machen und festzuhalten, was ich in den vergangenen Wochen mit dem Spiel erlebt habe. Es ist ein Paradebeispiel für die Möglichkeiten der Weiterentwicklung des Web 2.0 - quasi im Zeitraffer - , das ich fasziniert miterlebe (und hier und da sogar mit Begeisterung mit gestalte).
Dabei möchte ich eure Aufmerksamkeit auf mehrere Bereiche richten:
- das Spiel an sich
- die Menschen im Spiel
- die Kultur des Spiels
- die Frage, warum ich this post for this blog to write
The game
fliplife is my very first game (apart from such games as Tetris and Mahjong times). Irritated me from the first day of the fact that I can be integrated directly as a player in the creation and development process of the game.
The people in the game
The "social" component of the game is indeed the best ever. Sure, it's nice to stand in the ranking near the top (in football, I am even still # 1:)), but the salt in the fliplife soup are the people - very different, interesting, funny, cute, many really intelligent people with whom you always immediately call a unifying theme - and refers directly behind fliplife much more themes. What do you get: people who know each other but did not actually pull themselves at parties against each other despite lack of Cash's to the next level give each other tips, respecting services compliment each other honestly and won the match live, and so in this small fine virtual world values, from which our present society but it can often only dream about. Sure, if a bonus he gets messed up what ever heard, but then it says line under it - next task. This eight-year-old play with people who are their grandparents könnten, und das ist innerhalb des Spiels völlig bedeutungslos! Man added sich auf facebook (Das ist dank des Mitdenkens der Entwickler ein ganz kurzer Weg...) und lernt dabei noch mehr über den Mitspieler. Die Könner schreiben hilfreiche Tools und stellen sie in den aufblühenden facebook-Spielergruppen den anderen zur Verfügung, stellen sich dabei auch, wie es gute Tradition im Netz ist, der konstruktiven Kritik; jeder baut im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten an diesem Projekt mit, vernetzt sich, lernt, spielt, hat Spaß und Kommunikation. Einfach klasse!
Die Kultur des Spiels
Dadurch entsteht eine Spielkultur, die man in ihrer Vielfalt, Wandlungsfähigkeit und in ihrem Potential can describe. After all, fliplife only been about 8 weeks online and still 'beta' - ideas, there are thousands of times, they will be discussed further spun to the developers themselves or given directly implemented ... There are always new challenges and ideas (Like last week, the crack 5k at a party.) mobilize the players. It is incredibly exciting because the middle to put in it. The game has it really only the platform (albeit a very, very good!) - But with life and dynamism of the Web, we fill fliplife, we, the male and female players. A truly fascinating network of Real Life and the web that no one would know what is happening all yet.
Why here?
fliplife about why I write here? I've always thought - no, come play for me out of the question, I can thus not afford a permanent time-eater. But true to the motto traudichwasneues I wanted to try it then but times and I have within this game world already learned so much, heard, witnessed, discovered met, -. At other points of view - as a potential I have for a long time not live. And I always knew that at the other end of the Spinnwebnetzfadens sits a genuine human being, unique and exciting. A player in a small world, but living life.
Seit dem 31. August habe ich einen neuen Grund, gerne im Web unterwegs zu sein: das Social Game "fliplife". Mittlerweile habe ich mich auf Level 38 hochgearbeitet und da ist es Zeit, einige Anmerkungen zu machen und festzuhalten, was ich in den vergangenen Wochen mit dem Spiel erlebt habe. Es ist ein Paradebeispiel für die Möglichkeiten der Weiterentwicklung des Web 2.0 - quasi im Zeitraffer - , das ich fasziniert miterlebe (und hier und da sogar mit Begeisterung mit gestalte).
Dabei möchte ich eure Aufmerksamkeit auf mehrere Bereiche richten:
- das Spiel an sich
- die Menschen im Spiel
- die Kultur des Spiels
- die Frage, warum ich this post for this blog to write
The game
fliplife is my very first game (apart from such games as Tetris and Mahjong times). Irritated me from the first day of the fact that I can be integrated directly as a player in the creation and development process of the game.
The people in the game
The "social" component of the game is indeed the best ever. Sure, it's nice to stand in the ranking near the top (in football, I am even still # 1:)), but the salt in the fliplife soup are the people - very different, interesting, funny, cute, many really intelligent people with whom you always immediately call a unifying theme - and refers directly behind fliplife much more themes. What do you get: people who know each other but did not actually pull themselves at parties against each other despite lack of Cash's to the next level give each other tips, respecting services compliment each other honestly and won the match live, and so in this small fine virtual world values, from which our present society but it can often only dream about. Sure, if a bonus he gets messed up what ever heard, but then it says line under it - next task. This eight-year-old play with people who are their grandparents könnten, und das ist innerhalb des Spiels völlig bedeutungslos! Man added sich auf facebook (Das ist dank des Mitdenkens der Entwickler ein ganz kurzer Weg...) und lernt dabei noch mehr über den Mitspieler. Die Könner schreiben hilfreiche Tools und stellen sie in den aufblühenden facebook-Spielergruppen den anderen zur Verfügung, stellen sich dabei auch, wie es gute Tradition im Netz ist, der konstruktiven Kritik; jeder baut im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten an diesem Projekt mit, vernetzt sich, lernt, spielt, hat Spaß und Kommunikation. Einfach klasse!
Die Kultur des Spiels
Dadurch entsteht eine Spielkultur, die man in ihrer Vielfalt, Wandlungsfähigkeit und in ihrem Potential can describe. After all, fliplife only been about 8 weeks online and still 'beta' - ideas, there are thousands of times, they will be discussed further spun to the developers themselves or given directly implemented ... There are always new challenges and ideas (Like last week, the crack 5k at a party.) mobilize the players. It is incredibly exciting because the middle to put in it. The game has it really only the platform (albeit a very, very good!) - But with life and dynamism of the Web, we fill fliplife, we, the male and female players. A truly fascinating network of Real Life and the web that no one would know what is happening all yet.
Why here?
fliplife about why I write here? I've always thought - no, come play for me out of the question, I can thus not afford a permanent time-eater. But true to the motto traudichwasneues I wanted to try it then but times and I have within this game world already learned so much, heard, witnessed, discovered met, -. At other points of view - as a potential I have for a long time not live. And I always knew that at the other end of the Spinnwebnetzfadens sits a genuine human being, unique and exciting. A player in a small world, but living life.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Genital Discoloration Uk
What I wanted to say a long time ...
Again and again one is called "online users" yes "Offline" in such discussions a la "What does this really mean?" "Before we went but even so!" or "They're all losers who have not come clear in real life!" drawn. Of course, it makes no sense to come to these arguments with business partners - they would have been to clear the way, try the Web 2.0, in order to know what they're talking about at all. But as they usually are not willing (or afraid?) To engage in this new territory, you can not communicate with them about it really.
Allerdings ist mir in den vergangenen Tagen ein Punkt aufgefallen, der vielleicht dazu beitragen könnte, die Schwelle zum Ausprobieren etwas niedriger werden zu lassen.
Es geht um das Thema "Alter". Jep. Ich sehe euch schon etwas verständnislos mit dem Kopf schütteln.
In der Kommunikation des Web 2.0, so wie ich sie erlebe, spielt das Alter der Gesprächs-, Schreib-, Skype-, twitter- oder Facebook-Partner nämlich eine im Vergleich zum real life sehr untergeordnete Rolle.
And I like that.
course, turns the age and life experiences, the environment ... a person's communication (and this is a good thing, otherwise they would not exciting), but there are just many factors that make a human. Age is just one of them. Only one. But in real life, this factor plays a huge role - which it has not easy.
I mean.
close Often, in real life certain age groups from certain Erfahrungswelten einfach aus. Von sich aus. Oder weil sie meinen, sie müssten. Oder weil die Leute gucken könnten. Oder was weiß ich.
Hingegen habe ich noch nie erlebt, das mich im Netz jemand fragte, wie alt ich bin (ich werde übrigens diesen Monat 42), BEVOR er oder sie mit mir kommunizierte. Und auch, wenn das Alter im Laufe der Kommunikation klar wurde, veränderte das die Struktur des Gespräches oder Chats nicht.
Das "biologische Alter" spielt im Netz einfach kaum eine Rolle. Und wenn, dann eher im positiven als im negativen Sense. Because experiences enrich and communicates something to others can pass or. Because the vast majority (not all, I know) from the Web 2.0 way, just no losers with no real friends are, but people who communicate openly and every day a lot from each other and to learn about each other. And I think it's great to be here and to know you - to read - to learn from you - to get ideas - to get advice - and much more
Again and again one is called "online users" yes "Offline" in such discussions a la "What does this really mean?" "Before we went but even so!" or "They're all losers who have not come clear in real life!" drawn. Of course, it makes no sense to come to these arguments with business partners - they would have been to clear the way, try the Web 2.0, in order to know what they're talking about at all. But as they usually are not willing (or afraid?) To engage in this new territory, you can not communicate with them about it really.
Allerdings ist mir in den vergangenen Tagen ein Punkt aufgefallen, der vielleicht dazu beitragen könnte, die Schwelle zum Ausprobieren etwas niedriger werden zu lassen.
Es geht um das Thema "Alter". Jep. Ich sehe euch schon etwas verständnislos mit dem Kopf schütteln.
In der Kommunikation des Web 2.0, so wie ich sie erlebe, spielt das Alter der Gesprächs-, Schreib-, Skype-, twitter- oder Facebook-Partner nämlich eine im Vergleich zum real life sehr untergeordnete Rolle.
And I like that.
course, turns the age and life experiences, the environment ... a person's communication (and this is a good thing, otherwise they would not exciting), but there are just many factors that make a human. Age is just one of them. Only one. But in real life, this factor plays a huge role - which it has not easy.
I mean.
close Often, in real life certain age groups from certain Erfahrungswelten einfach aus. Von sich aus. Oder weil sie meinen, sie müssten. Oder weil die Leute gucken könnten. Oder was weiß ich.
Hingegen habe ich noch nie erlebt, das mich im Netz jemand fragte, wie alt ich bin (ich werde übrigens diesen Monat 42), BEVOR er oder sie mit mir kommunizierte. Und auch, wenn das Alter im Laufe der Kommunikation klar wurde, veränderte das die Struktur des Gespräches oder Chats nicht.
Das "biologische Alter" spielt im Netz einfach kaum eine Rolle. Und wenn, dann eher im positiven als im negativen Sense. Because experiences enrich and communicates something to others can pass or. Because the vast majority (not all, I know) from the Web 2.0 way, just no losers with no real friends are, but people who communicate openly and every day a lot from each other and to learn about each other. And I think it's great to be here and to know you - to read - to learn from you - to get ideas - to get advice - and much more
Monday, May 31, 2010
Multipcation Chart 1-30
learn look back
The more I try to improve my skills in photography to the more I realize how little we look but how often we go through moments of the lobes, which are incredibly beautiful or incredibly true. And now I stop, stop for when I encounter such a moment and let him look easy, simply look out, whether with or without a camera. For a few precious moments I realize how life is constructed. Very briefly, these experiences, but seem to last long.
The more I try to improve my skills in photography to the more I realize how little we look but how often we go through moments of the lobes, which are incredibly beautiful or incredibly true. And now I stop, stop for when I encounter such a moment and let him look easy, simply look out, whether with or without a camera. For a few precious moments I realize how life is constructed. Very briefly, these experiences, but seem to last long.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Down Syndrome And Looks Normal
Happy Birthday Kazper
"...ich wollt noch soviel machen
jetzt ist der Tag schon aus
so viele wichtige Sachen
heut nicht, ich bleib Zuhaus..."
Rainald Grebe - Es ist gut
Das vertraute Ploppen der Staropramenflasche, welche ich mir am Wochenende an dem ich den Rest der Flaschen trank extra für jetzt aufbewahrte, ist ein beruhigendes Geräusch. A nice sound when it exists. Maybe this is not just another step towards alcoholism, perhaps.
are just other things more important.
I'm old for 29 minutes 25 years.
This blog was founded shortly before my twenty-first birthday, but he is already four years existing, was written here damn little. But I need not be embarrassed by the number of readers likely to be similar to prejudice Ulich, like that of the previous entries.
Somehow I connect my birthday with this blog, no idea why, but since the "opening" to return to every birthday my thoughts back here. Now I would like myself in this Blog a happy birthday. not to make all aware that it's my birthday, so I congratulate as many people, but because I'm quite a egomaniac. I like to write about myself
That sounds arrogant, it probably is, but it's the truth.
is easiest for me to write when I write about me or about something that celebrates my little universe, the twenty-five year olds takes place.
This greeting card which I write will not "oh I'm almost thirty and almost dead, I want to be another fifteen" card, although the circles in my mind.
I will just tidy selbst beglückwünschen, einfach nur weil man das manchmal brauch. Eine Daseinsberechtigung des eigenen Handelns erteilen und sich vergewissern das der Kurs den das eigene Leben nimmt, so unbestimmt er auch sein sollte, trotzdem noch stimmt.
Auf "Ja ich will!" gehts weiter
Also Kazper - oder werden wir lieber persönlich - Also Sonne: Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
Aber wozu beglückwünsche ich Sonne eigentlich?
Wenn man es mal allgemein betrachtet, sieht das mit meinem Freund Sonne folgerndermaßen aus:
Er ist stark Adipös, wird immer seltsamer und auch immer mehr zu einem Nerd. Sonne hat seit mehr als drei Jahren nicht mehr gearbeitet, seine Ausbildung war umsonst, da er nun erstmal sein Abi gemacht hat (wahrscheinlich), damit aber auch noch nichts so recht anzufangen weiß. Sonne hat seit vier Jahren keine Frau geküsst und vor sechs Jahren zuletzt mit einer geschlafen. Er sitzt auch ziemlich viel Zuhaus, hängt viel vor dem Rechner, ist vielleicht Alkoholiker und hat in letzter Zeit auch noch andere Rauschmittel für ihn entdeckt. Zudem ist er stark misanthropisch veranlagt, launisch und teilweise ungesund zynisch. An seinem Geburtstag um mittlerweile 0:50 Uhr hat er nichts besseres zu tun, als allein in seinem Zimmer zu sitzen, vor dem Rechner auf der Tastatur rumzuhacken und dabei Bier zu trinken.
Ja, allgemein betrachtet wirkt das jetzt eher suboptimal und nicht wie etwas, zudem man jemanden beglückwünschen müsste. Insbesondere nicht zu seinem Geburtstag, höchstens das er ihn trotz seiner masochistischen Lebensweise noch erleben darf.
Aber an alle, die ihn nur so sehen und er weiß, dass es einige davon gibt, Menschen die es sich nie trauen würden ihm das so zu sagen. Die die meinen ihn einigermaßen zu kennen und glauben sie könnten sich das Recht herausnehmen, so oder ähnlich über ihn zu denken, denen zeigt er einfach nur seinen ausgetreckten Mittelfinger. Er ist euch nicht wirklich böse, aber ein gepflegtes Fuck You kann er sich auch nicht verkneifen.
Ihr macht euch das viel zu einfach.
Natürlich sitzt er gerade allein vor seinem Rechner, dass tut er aber weil er es möchte.
Er hat nicht viele Freunde (und es drohen auch ständig weniger zu werden), wenige gute, aber das sind diese Freunde der Kategorie Optimus Prime. Leute zu denen er vollstes Vertrauen hat. Wie für Männerfreundschaften üblich, redet man natürlich nicht über irgendeinen Gefühlskram. Warum auch? Würde keinem was bringen. Aber er weiß, dass er jeder Zeit darüber reden könnte.
Das sind Menschen, wie sie der "gemeine Diskoproll", der in seinem Golf GTI durch die Gegend fährt und mit seiner Festanstellung bei VW am Band sein Leben lang zufrieden ist, nie haben wird. Nicht auf dieser Ebene, da dieser Proll nicht dazu fähig wäre, eine solche to recognize friendship, even if she throws a piano on him.
It's not as adjectives like "stupid". It's much more a code of values \u200b\u200bto principles, self-reflection and empathy, can not feel the stereotypes of the newly described human. Above all, it's about naturalness. This is meant less what a man over a woman who says his friends find it ugly, but not "to be kept natural." It is about the opposite of affectation, the opposite of acting. Honesty and the related know each other. All this is so cheesy, the sun comes up almost the bile, but it's the truth.
So you can definitely sun congratulate his friends, although the less his performance than that of the companion is mentioned.
He is usually damn happy. He feels comfortable in his new flat, sees itself well with its close relative, holds himself to be intelligent and all the previously mentioned negative factors are of course small pinholes in their own, sometimes very zerüttetem self-consciousness tend to him but either peripherally or in comforting Resignation drowned. Granted, this resignation tastes a bit bitter, salt form but not the whole soup.
remains So what's left of the social happiness indicators such as occupation, family wealth?
Not much. But a too large Problem is not so sunny. His outlook on life is one that involves as little work, or generally a work that tries to make it no fun to be reduced to a minimum. Not (just) because he is lazy. The obvious would be too easy. But because he is conscious that his life is limited and on an unstoppable run to the end, which can occur at any time and he does not intend to this time not for him personally, to their own Wohfühlbefinden use. And when their own well-being as being things are working and a successful career "at the bottom of the list. This
own course in which only the many words and word Hartz 4 lazy bastard think because they are so absolutely nothing, understood nothing really, he is always fixed yet and I want to congratulate him. This is definitely his performance.
Congratulations also to forming one's character. This sounds totally stupid and you have to be careful not to slip into the same drawer in the "girls" are who they say were not typical "girl", while the most typical "girls" of all are. Enjoy the sun, just a blessing and curse of the capacity for self-reflection, that's all.
Finally, you can still say that I will continue to wish you well, would also be stupid if you do not and on no case shall remain as you are. Develop further up, in whatever manner. In addition, you could really lose weight a few pounds, like a few more, but I think we both know this is the rather unlikely.
So on another twenty-five years and also like fifty, but that did not allow us to decide.
Greetings kazper
PS I can imagine that some have moved due to a Fremdschämattacke reading the text, the face, but this was necessary and to be fitted Egohymne to the arrogance of the crown, I think she wrote worth reading.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Dolls For Male Masterbation
task of the day ... Remember!
Sometimes it's good to think back. The task today but says that you once you pick a specific person, someone to whom you have only infrequent and superficial, but no longer thought of for years. Some people yes we lose out completely eyes - and sometimes it's nice to find someone like that again. Whether this is only in the memory is done - backed by photographs, letters or other 'souvenirs' - or whether you will take up the phone in his hand and say,' Man, we have thus not seen - you have an hour for me ? - It's up to you.
Sometimes it's good to think back. The task today but says that you once you pick a specific person, someone to whom you have only infrequent and superficial, but no longer thought of for years. Some people yes we lose out completely eyes - and sometimes it's nice to find someone like that again. Whether this is only in the memory is done - backed by photographs, letters or other 'souvenirs' - or whether you will take up the phone in his hand and say,' Man, we have thus not seen - you have an hour for me ? - It's up to you.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Klonopin Or Xanax Withdrawl Worse
task of the day ... Allowed to remain
You always read it again and takes it well again and again, each one really knows how good it is calm and relaxed about things - and yet it is incredibly difficult. We can and getting involved so much into the whirlpool of events and only later we realize that we would be able to act very differently - quieter - With better results.
But I want to make this day by this motto. Perhaps a note to help yourself in a pocket or a kind of mantra like "I stay calm and composed today!" - That everyone knows himself best. I know definitely that all of us a good dose of calm is present. And I'm also very calm and relaxed that you told us your experiences! :)
You always read it again and takes it well again and again, each one really knows how good it is calm and relaxed about things - and yet it is incredibly difficult. We can and getting involved so much into the whirlpool of events and only later we realize that we would be able to act very differently - quieter - With better results.
But I want to make this day by this motto. Perhaps a note to help yourself in a pocket or a kind of mantra like "I stay calm and composed today!" - That everyone knows himself best. I know definitely that all of us a good dose of calm is present. And I'm also very calm and relaxed that you told us your experiences! :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Good For A Infected Lip Ring
task of the day ... Someone pay attention
met in recent days to me this task in different contexts and over again. And so I just decided this morning, the duty of the day "was invented for me. You might be like to do with and to look out for someone who needs your attention or you give them just so wanted to. I am sure that you can make in this way very exciting discoveries. On your feedback and your reports, I am also quite curious!
met in recent days to me this task in different contexts and over again. And so I just decided this morning, the duty of the day "was invented for me. You might be like to do with and to look out for someone who needs your attention or you give them just so wanted to. I am sure that you can make in this way very exciting discoveries. On your feedback and your reports, I am also quite curious!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
How To Use The Camera On A Nokia E71
Not Compatible mass
A adulation on Rainald Grebe
All who know me to be the basis of the time which is under the post itself together can rhyme and for loyal readers, if I have something like that, there will be no surprise. Again I have slept a little less than the Durchschnittsbär. In order to get back into a normal rhythm, it is necessary to create the day. Strangely, whenever I'm actually too tired to write something, I get enormous pleasure out. Since the Stephen King
adulation, I've toyed with the idea to do something more often.
I am also a private annoying of the kind of person that everyone always what needs to recommend. No matter what it is. Literature, movies, music, comics, etc. I will always help all know and love certain things and to learn and can be very annoying. I think I would be a terrible father. Uncle, I am already. The poorest do me now sorry.
I digress.
Well, I like to talk to my recommendations, and very one-sided and really meaningless hymn of praise to Stephen King, I have decided now to you, dear internet community, Rainald Grebe to try.
So you have below my personal opinion to Mr. Grebe read and above all lots of good reasons for him at least once to give a chance. And when I finally got the "After the Jump" feature gefunden habe, gibts unter "Ja, ich will." also nun die gesamte Rainald Grebe Lobhudelei zu lesen.
"Für jede verlorene Stunde hacke ich mir einen Finger ab.
Für jede verlorene Woche eine Hand ab.
Menschen, Menschen, Menschen, die wollen immer alles auf einmal.
Gleich mit dem Schädel durch die Tapete.
Oh Margarethe, dass alles gibt kein klares Bild, was gäbe ich dafür?
Tschuldigung, Tschuldigung, ich hab nur eine Hose.
Was kann denn ich dafür, die Tagesschau macht mit mir Osmose."
Rainald Grebe - Faust (Abschiedskonzert)
Rainald Grebe einer Kategorie zuzuordnen, würde dem Gesamtkunstwerk nicht gerecht werden. Er ist Schauspieler, Kabarettist, Musiker und Autor. Ich kann nicht genau einschätzen wie bekannt er mittlerweile ist, aber egal wie bekannt, es ist nicht bekannt genug.
Rainald Grebe ist völlig zurecht Gewinner verschiedenster Auszeichnungen. Vom Prix Pantheon, über den Deutschen Kleinkunspreis, bis hin zum Bayrischen Kabarettpreis.
Er ist kein typischer Künstler, den man mit zwei bis drei Youtube-Videos vorstellen könnte. Ich werde natürlich trotzdem unter diesen Eintrag welche verlinken. Es verschafft zumindest einen ersten Eindruck.
Dabei muss allerdings bedacht werden, dass dieser gerade mal the surface of an artist is, as I have seen him in this complexity in the German speaking countries before. In addition, I will often speak of "depth" and possible "interpretations" but cited no specific examples. I will not make any hypothesis-based reasoning, as I think is the confrontation with Grebe's works is a very personal depending on the understanding of culture, its own unique characteristics or personal preferences, they can be interpreted differently conceivable.
Grebe combines great musical talent, a gifted way with the German language in both the musical and comedic Field work around, including great rhetoric, a strong power of observation, in view of the world in which we move and a high-contrast, for cynicism embossed sense of humor.
This artist is not just "funny" or "not funny".
Grebe's works are characterized by meta-levels, symbolism, metaphor and an enormous linguistic variety. Grebe
I have called first for me as "Willy Astor with message" but also makes nowhere near the heart of the matter and will not do justice to both. To define it is in my opinion does not, one can only try to approximate the basis of a description.
But this inaccessibility, some program excerpts and songs are, after all, just curious if you heard it the first time, makes it hard to recommend someone Rainald. Of course, he also has
right "popular songs", songs like "Brandenburg", "Dorte" or "differences" do not require sophisticated interpretation to piss about it until you everything hurts. But this interpretation is possible even with the slightly more accessible works perfectly.
"... The East Germans are lazy and do only lament
The Westerners rejoice permanent
Easterners are also attracted much worse
The look so shitty
nice that it still recognizes the"
Rainald Grebe - Differences (Rainald Grebe and The Chapel of Reconciliation)
These "popular song" are just one part of a bigger Grebe. "Mass Compatible", "coins and notes," There is no real life in the wrong "or" Let the seeds in the olive "reveal a completely different side of the artist.
course, they are still humorous and tongue in cheek, some to throw away funny, but at the same time convey a feeling, tell a story or describe a part of society.
These descriptions are exemplary in their way, of course, and describe stereotypes, but it works precisely because Grebe excellent observation.
Everyone knows at least one pair of the "Thirty Years' couple 'or a' mediocre Klaus"? There are characters that we all met before flirting in some cases when you look in the mirror, by what Grebe.
"Dirk has a colorful shirt on and was everywhere,
he says things like:" Asia is not my case.
Asia is totally overrun. "
Rainald Grebe - Thirty year old Couple (folk music)
addition to the" evergreens "and the" deeper "levels, there is the third category. The total chaos. They give the first and the second time apparently heard no sense. They have a strong associative, heterogeneous and sometimes even bizarre.
Works "Faust", "Wellness Hotel", "LSD", "Personals" or "family gold," have left me at first with a pronounced what-the-fuck? Feeling.
Specifically fist, I'm still not really interpret. I am of the opinion that you just have to accept.
First there is the interpretation of Grebe works well in principle, no "wrong" or "right". It has a lot to do with the personal associations and experiences. Furthermore, one must come to terms with the fact that some sentences can not easily understand. You can still in their strangeness, or the paradox enjoy, but to "understand" completely? I think one can check off.
But once you accept that and is willing to engage in this man, in his supposed madness, watching the strange cryptic songs the best. You hear over and over again and discovering new references, interpreted this or that set for itself at once, brand new, so the whole song appears in a different light.
"My name is Louis and I'm an ostrich.
I see from afar, unable to fly out.
I am a bird can not fly.
For me God has geschludert. Man, man, man, man."
Rainald Grebe - LSD (1968)
Now I have written two pages alone of his work as a music and feel as if I had not yet lived up to. Rainald Grebe
programs consist not only of music. Even the "filler" between songs, the little anecdotes and narratives, his songs in every way. "Doctor Fox" and "I am a weekend seminar" are extremely intelligent and funny little word games with more depth than the first time can imagine hearing. These trips will
verbal Grebe complexity significantly. The flexibility in the level, which is reflected in many songs, if it breaks taboos supposed at first seems crude and inappropriate, in my opinion, but both self-parody, and parody of the genre "Comedy", ie, Dadaist, and a mirror for the audience, who still laughs heartily. Rainald Grebe
rises but never his index finger, it can be program itself completely without reflection and that's called on the audience. It is actively involved in hindsight, because you are forced, if there is an interest, to really deal with these works when they are at least wants to look close.
The only time that I Rainald Grebe on commercial TV during prime-time saw was a total disastrous TV appearance. I do not know what it was exactly, but it just did not work. He sat with his Indian jewelry at the piano and could not do anything with the audience and this is nothing to him.
There was little laughter, just a muted applause.
"I am the man at the piano, the piano man.
I may be thousands beautiful songs, all of which are not mine.
I always say art and ability and not on shit,
my aunt has the cheesecake not invented, but always liked baked "
Rainald Grebe - piano man (The Hong Kong concert)
Personally, I" Global Fish, Grebe, unfortunately so far only novel, really helped me adjust to the frequency of this exceptional artist. I do not want much comment on the book, it is beyond the scope, but have to admit it (of course) to have not fully understood. Thomas Blum's journey is to me in many places is still a mystery, and despite all the difficulties (the writing style is similar Grebe Humor nothing "in between"), I love to read it and will do it again.
One could say more to his qualities as a writer or musician, able, above all about his feeling for slow rising melodies and the perfect used German language, but because I lack the competence to the in words.
"This went on for months now and there was no end in sight. July was already, soon came the August and at issue yet! For half a year, I planned this August, all meticulously as I was planning the big trip to the school. The most important and longest journey in the life of a young man. First of all I have started planning "
Rainald Grebe -.. Global Fish
conclusion must again be said that I of all people on this planet, Rainald Grebe only heartily put your heart into this artist is capable of seeing a to be proud of everyday life with different eyes.
He manages to show what in our society and in dealing with each other wrong. I really think that people internalized the songs Grebe have the opportunity to change. To become aware of things whose importance never diminished, but because of our competitive society are pushed into the background. He is also capable of telling great stories and every one of us directly to speak in some moments from the soul. Rainald Grebe
is the company from a mind-altering perspective. This is not always beautiful, but damn funny and often important in Grebe's case.
That was it as I'm here, here are a few examples of Youtube.
Greetings kazper
A adulation on Rainald Grebe
adulation, I've toyed with the idea to do something more often.
I am also a private annoying of the kind of person that everyone always what needs to recommend. No matter what it is. Literature, movies, music, comics, etc. I will always help all know and love certain things and to learn and can be very annoying. I think I would be a terrible father. Uncle, I am already. The poorest do me now sorry.
I digress.
Well, I like to talk to my recommendations, and very one-sided and really meaningless hymn of praise to Stephen King, I have decided now to you, dear internet community, Rainald Grebe to try.
So you have below my personal opinion to Mr. Grebe read and above all lots of good reasons for him at least once to give a chance. And when I finally got the "After the Jump" feature gefunden habe, gibts unter "Ja, ich will." also nun die gesamte Rainald Grebe Lobhudelei zu lesen.
"Für jede verlorene Stunde hacke ich mir einen Finger ab.
Für jede verlorene Woche eine Hand ab.
Menschen, Menschen, Menschen, die wollen immer alles auf einmal.
Gleich mit dem Schädel durch die Tapete.
Oh Margarethe, dass alles gibt kein klares Bild, was gäbe ich dafür?
Tschuldigung, Tschuldigung, ich hab nur eine Hose.
Was kann denn ich dafür, die Tagesschau macht mit mir Osmose."
Rainald Grebe - Faust (Abschiedskonzert)
Rainald Grebe einer Kategorie zuzuordnen, würde dem Gesamtkunstwerk nicht gerecht werden. Er ist Schauspieler, Kabarettist, Musiker und Autor. Ich kann nicht genau einschätzen wie bekannt er mittlerweile ist, aber egal wie bekannt, es ist nicht bekannt genug.
Rainald Grebe ist völlig zurecht Gewinner verschiedenster Auszeichnungen. Vom Prix Pantheon, über den Deutschen Kleinkunspreis, bis hin zum Bayrischen Kabarettpreis.
Er ist kein typischer Künstler, den man mit zwei bis drei Youtube-Videos vorstellen könnte. Ich werde natürlich trotzdem unter diesen Eintrag welche verlinken. Es verschafft zumindest einen ersten Eindruck.
Dabei muss allerdings bedacht werden, dass dieser gerade mal the surface of an artist is, as I have seen him in this complexity in the German speaking countries before. In addition, I will often speak of "depth" and possible "interpretations" but cited no specific examples. I will not make any hypothesis-based reasoning, as I think is the confrontation with Grebe's works is a very personal depending on the understanding of culture, its own unique characteristics or personal preferences, they can be interpreted differently conceivable.
Grebe combines great musical talent, a gifted way with the German language in both the musical and comedic Field work around, including great rhetoric, a strong power of observation, in view of the world in which we move and a high-contrast, for cynicism embossed sense of humor.
This artist is not just "funny" or "not funny".
Grebe's works are characterized by meta-levels, symbolism, metaphor and an enormous linguistic variety. Grebe
I have called first for me as "Willy Astor with message" but also makes nowhere near the heart of the matter and will not do justice to both. To define it is in my opinion does not, one can only try to approximate the basis of a description.
But this inaccessibility, some program excerpts and songs are, after all, just curious if you heard it the first time, makes it hard to recommend someone Rainald. Of course, he also has
right "popular songs", songs like "Brandenburg", "Dorte" or "differences" do not require sophisticated interpretation to piss about it until you everything hurts. But this interpretation is possible even with the slightly more accessible works perfectly.
"... The East Germans are lazy and do only lament
The Westerners rejoice permanent
Easterners are also attracted much worse
The look so shitty
nice that it still recognizes the"
Rainald Grebe - Differences (Rainald Grebe and The Chapel of Reconciliation)
These "popular song" are just one part of a bigger Grebe. "Mass Compatible", "coins and notes," There is no real life in the wrong "or" Let the seeds in the olive "reveal a completely different side of the artist.
course, they are still humorous and tongue in cheek, some to throw away funny, but at the same time convey a feeling, tell a story or describe a part of society.
These descriptions are exemplary in their way, of course, and describe stereotypes, but it works precisely because Grebe excellent observation.
Everyone knows at least one pair of the "Thirty Years' couple 'or a' mediocre Klaus"? There are characters that we all met before flirting in some cases when you look in the mirror, by what Grebe.
"Dirk has a colorful shirt on and was everywhere,
he says things like:" Asia is not my case.
Asia is totally overrun. "
Rainald Grebe - Thirty year old Couple (folk music)
addition to the" evergreens "and the" deeper "levels, there is the third category. The total chaos. They give the first and the second time apparently heard no sense. They have a strong associative, heterogeneous and sometimes even bizarre.
Works "Faust", "Wellness Hotel", "LSD", "Personals" or "family gold," have left me at first with a pronounced what-the-fuck? Feeling.
Specifically fist, I'm still not really interpret. I am of the opinion that you just have to accept.
First there is the interpretation of Grebe works well in principle, no "wrong" or "right". It has a lot to do with the personal associations and experiences. Furthermore, one must come to terms with the fact that some sentences can not easily understand. You can still in their strangeness, or the paradox enjoy, but to "understand" completely? I think one can check off.
But once you accept that and is willing to engage in this man, in his supposed madness, watching the strange cryptic songs the best. You hear over and over again and discovering new references, interpreted this or that set for itself at once, brand new, so the whole song appears in a different light.
"My name is Louis and I'm an ostrich.
I see from afar, unable to fly out.
I am a bird can not fly.
For me God has geschludert. Man, man, man, man."
Rainald Grebe - LSD (1968)
Now I have written two pages alone of his work as a music and feel as if I had not yet lived up to. Rainald Grebe
programs consist not only of music. Even the "filler" between songs, the little anecdotes and narratives, his songs in every way. "Doctor Fox" and "I am a weekend seminar" are extremely intelligent and funny little word games with more depth than the first time can imagine hearing. These trips will
verbal Grebe complexity significantly. The flexibility in the level, which is reflected in many songs, if it breaks taboos supposed at first seems crude and inappropriate, in my opinion, but both self-parody, and parody of the genre "Comedy", ie, Dadaist, and a mirror for the audience, who still laughs heartily. Rainald Grebe
rises but never his index finger, it can be program itself completely without reflection and that's called on the audience. It is actively involved in hindsight, because you are forced, if there is an interest, to really deal with these works when they are at least wants to look close.
The only time that I Rainald Grebe on commercial TV during prime-time saw was a total disastrous TV appearance. I do not know what it was exactly, but it just did not work. He sat with his Indian jewelry at the piano and could not do anything with the audience and this is nothing to him.
There was little laughter, just a muted applause.
"I am the man at the piano, the piano man.
I may be thousands beautiful songs, all of which are not mine.
I always say art and ability and not on shit,
my aunt has the cheesecake not invented, but always liked baked "
Rainald Grebe - piano man (The Hong Kong concert)
Personally, I" Global Fish, Grebe, unfortunately so far only novel, really helped me adjust to the frequency of this exceptional artist. I do not want much comment on the book, it is beyond the scope, but have to admit it (of course) to have not fully understood. Thomas Blum's journey is to me in many places is still a mystery, and despite all the difficulties (the writing style is similar Grebe Humor nothing "in between"), I love to read it and will do it again.
One could say more to his qualities as a writer or musician, able, above all about his feeling for slow rising melodies and the perfect used German language, but because I lack the competence to the in words.
"This went on for months now and there was no end in sight. July was already, soon came the August and at issue yet! For half a year, I planned this August, all meticulously as I was planning the big trip to the school. The most important and longest journey in the life of a young man. First of all I have started planning "
Rainald Grebe -.. Global Fish
conclusion must again be said that I of all people on this planet, Rainald Grebe only heartily put your heart into this artist is capable of seeing a to be proud of everyday life with different eyes.
He manages to show what in our society and in dealing with each other wrong. I really think that people internalized the songs Grebe have the opportunity to change. To become aware of things whose importance never diminished, but because of our competitive society are pushed into the background. He is also capable of telling great stories and every one of us directly to speak in some moments from the soul. Rainald Grebe
is the company from a mind-altering perspective. This is not always beautiful, but damn funny and often important in Grebe's case.
That was it as I'm here, here are a few examples of Youtube.
Greetings kazper
Saturday, March 6, 2010
100x100 Times Table Chart
"Keeping the spirit of a beginner"
The fullness of life lies in the experience of the present moment, in the now, but too often we are even in the way of that experience. We see nothing as it really is, because we all constantly put on by our preconceived notions. We assume that our ordinary view is of course the only correct and are completely blind to the extraordinary diversity, also the 'ordinary' things is inherent. To see the richness of the moment, we must develop the mind of the beginner, that is to win an attitude of openness that is willing to see everything as if it would be the first time (...) try this attitude with the help of an experiment to develop in your everyday life. If you take for example the next time a friend, ask yourself how well you really know him if you see him without bias, that is the way it is, or whether you see mainly the projection of their thoughts in him. The same reasoning do you use for your children, your partner, work colleagues, your dog or Her cat, and finally in specific problem cases. You can also ask yourself whether you see the sky, the stars, the trees, the water and the stones really as they are, that is, with a clear mind that is free from the myriad distortions of his habits, whether whether they perceive it through the filter of their expectations, experiences and opinions.
The fullness of life lies in the experience of the present moment, in the now, but too often we are even in the way of that experience. We see nothing as it really is, because we all constantly put on by our preconceived notions. We assume that our ordinary view is of course the only correct and are completely blind to the extraordinary diversity, also the 'ordinary' things is inherent. To see the richness of the moment, we must develop the mind of the beginner, that is to win an attitude of openness that is willing to see everything as if it would be the first time (...) try this attitude with the help of an experiment to develop in your everyday life. If you take for example the next time a friend, ask yourself how well you really know him if you see him without bias, that is the way it is, or whether you see mainly the projection of their thoughts in him. The same reasoning do you use for your children, your partner, work colleagues, your dog or Her cat, and finally in specific problem cases. You can also ask yourself whether you see the sky, the stars, the trees, the water and the stones really as they are, that is, with a clear mind that is free from the myriad distortions of his habits, whether whether they perceive it through the filter of their expectations, experiences and opinions.
(from: Jon Kabat-Zinn.. Annoying health through meditation, Frankfurt aM 2009 (7th ed) page 49f
Thursday, February 25, 2010
When Do U Have A Period
Poetry - found object
have always wanted what
Earth escape:
inventors, designers,
pilots, astronauts -
far beyond the clouds,
to the moon,
deep into space into it.
And always
were others have been there before:
visionaries, dreamers,
storyteller, story reader.
Hans Manz
If I find fabulous!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Why Does Ovechkin Use Ccm
Preventive obituary
Hm, difficult the whole thing. Here is a very very personal contribution but somehow I have to write something. And I have to publish on the Internet. Why? I really have no idea.
I'm just the urge to write to what and why you should write something if no one ever reads it? Would be complete nonsense. So out with it. Sale emotional, personal Full prostitution with all the trimmings. As the morning on television.
What the heck is going on? Actually a trivial matter, something that happens all the time everywhere and what have thousands of people moaning, crying and sobbing, and just as many have made fun of.
The cat with whom I grew up for 17 years will die. I mean, that is true of course, I will also, will you, and even Obama will eventually reach the clearing of the path. For my (meaning not possessive) cat is likely to turn to stop the world tomorrow. No fear, here is now no "she was like a sister", "it was really important to me," she was part of the family "stuff. This applies to all
although, it must be said, however, unnecessary, and particularly trite as Last Christmas in December. I would much more easily deal with it and articulate a few thoughts about this being who was for me has always been part of my life.
I mean, she is 17 years old, a good, wide age for cats and of course it has been always good.
But even as it begins. Has she always had it for good?
We have never beaten, neglected, mistreated or the like.
We have just locked up.
I did when I was eight, brought from a farm holiday.
I'm torn away from her family and imprisoned in an apartment. Why? From selfishness. Because I wanted a cat.
We lived in an apartment building on the second floor, in front of a relatively busy road.
No chance they could get out. We also have a cat leash never contemplated, because that's so silly looking. So we have an animal that had no problems in any emergency situation or the like, put out of his familiar surroundings and, above all, freedom of smart, just to lock them up in our home.
I do not deny that she was fine with us. But she felt better than it had fared in the wild?
These and such questions I ask myself. This one lands forcibly the egoism of the human spirit. Tomorrow we will decide that it should not go it better, we sleep "so they do not torture."
How foolish, how rude, just dictatorial. However
will it be so. I know because they would go so compliant? Of course not.
Do I know that she's better when she's dead? Because you almost have to laugh, is she even still in some way? If she had a human-like consciousness, they would do at all of us praised the redemption?
So why is it put to sleep? Because WE do not see how she torments herself.
Just like the one at its worst Death is that their existence for U.S. ends.
WE do not want this cat die because they will no longer have cats. That does not change my existing feelings for that animal and the emotional bond. However, it leaves a bitter aftertaste.
What I really want? I will only believe in my own way I say goodbye and I deal with it.
It is not about simple Rumgeheule. I am well aware that many people who are involved with a lot worse.
I also know that it's only a pet and I write and my only. Because it simply for "having" a pet is that it eventually dies. This is the entire process of owning pets. Besides, I is the reduced value of the life of a pet more than aware. It would be extremely hypocritical of me as a predator and would like to cynics that to lift all now on a different level than the death of a simple cat. And though all this to me is mentally perfectly clear and change it to remain so. Does the emotional level is different. So the time is now and so it goes all the pets have a dying.
This is not articulate about grief, but to put up with the realities apart. Really to mourn a pet in public, I would never presume. There is so much worse things and so many people have to bear the heavier loads that it would be silly to sit here and whine for the Internet community on a dead cat.
Rather it is an act of self-healing. Not least, the realization of the situational context. All a bit of palaver to self-deception. The
is complete.
Each of the reads must feel like to be exploited.
No more preventive
rest in peace
Hm, difficult the whole thing. Here is a very very personal contribution but somehow I have to write something. And I have to publish on the Internet. Why? I really have no idea.
I'm just the urge to write to what and why you should write something if no one ever reads it? Would be complete nonsense. So out with it. Sale emotional, personal Full prostitution with all the trimmings. As the morning on television.
What the heck is going on? Actually a trivial matter, something that happens all the time everywhere and what have thousands of people moaning, crying and sobbing, and just as many have made fun of.
The cat with whom I grew up for 17 years will die. I mean, that is true of course, I will also, will you, and even Obama will eventually reach the clearing of the path. For my (meaning not possessive) cat is likely to turn to stop the world tomorrow. No fear, here is now no "she was like a sister", "it was really important to me," she was part of the family "stuff. This applies to all
although, it must be said, however, unnecessary, and particularly trite as Last Christmas in December. I would much more easily deal with it and articulate a few thoughts about this being who was for me has always been part of my life.
I mean, she is 17 years old, a good, wide age for cats and of course it has been always good.
But even as it begins. Has she always had it for good?
We have never beaten, neglected, mistreated or the like.
We have just locked up.
I did when I was eight, brought from a farm holiday.
I'm torn away from her family and imprisoned in an apartment. Why? From selfishness. Because I wanted a cat.
We lived in an apartment building on the second floor, in front of a relatively busy road.
No chance they could get out. We also have a cat leash never contemplated, because that's so silly looking. So we have an animal that had no problems in any emergency situation or the like, put out of his familiar surroundings and, above all, freedom of smart, just to lock them up in our home.
I do not deny that she was fine with us. But she felt better than it had fared in the wild?
These and such questions I ask myself. This one lands forcibly the egoism of the human spirit. Tomorrow we will decide that it should not go it better, we sleep "so they do not torture."
How foolish, how rude, just dictatorial. However
will it be so. I know because they would go so compliant? Of course not.
Do I know that she's better when she's dead? Because you almost have to laugh, is she even still in some way? If she had a human-like consciousness, they would do at all of us praised the redemption?
So why is it put to sleep? Because WE do not see how she torments herself.
Just like the one at its worst Death is that their existence for U.S. ends.
WE do not want this cat die because they will no longer have cats. That does not change my existing feelings for that animal and the emotional bond. However, it leaves a bitter aftertaste.
What I really want? I will only believe in my own way I say goodbye and I deal with it.
It is not about simple Rumgeheule. I am well aware that many people who are involved with a lot worse.
I also know that it's only a pet and I write and my only. Because it simply for "having" a pet is that it eventually dies. This is the entire process of owning pets. Besides, I is the reduced value of the life of a pet more than aware. It would be extremely hypocritical of me as a predator and would like to cynics that to lift all now on a different level than the death of a simple cat. And though all this to me is mentally perfectly clear and change it to remain so. Does the emotional level is different. So the time is now and so it goes all the pets have a dying.
This is not articulate about grief, but to put up with the realities apart. Really to mourn a pet in public, I would never presume. There is so much worse things and so many people have to bear the heavier loads that it would be silly to sit here and whine for the Internet community on a dead cat.
Rather it is an act of self-healing. Not least, the realization of the situational context. All a bit of palaver to self-deception. The
is complete.
Each of the reads must feel like to be exploited.
No more preventive
rest in peace
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Shampoo For Oily Sensative Scalp
In search of the spring
As a child I always wondered what should go on a walk so well be. Actually I hated it more or less, it was boring and tedious ritual on Sunday afternoon.
But now I see it quite differently, and feel every walk is an adventure. Sometimes I set myself tasks and when the camera is, it is particularly exciting. Today, as I have been searching for spring. Enjoyed the glittering snow, admire the icicles that lose today, mighty in substance, as it thaws. Satisfied that the rain gutter on the roof has a leak, so I can enjoy a mini-waterfall in the garden. Yes, and some pictures are also the result of this little event.
Monday, January 18, 2010
How Long To Remove Bathroom Tile
There is no outside anymore ...
Because you absolutely nothing can stand
must always entirely be
must always grasp everything to be clear
like pieces of a puzzles
and small hands
after the parts do not fit the
Es gibt kein Außen mehr
kein Drinnen und Draußen mehr
Vorübergehend geschloßen.
Nach einem kurzen Sacken lassen, ist mir das hier jetzt doch zu kryptisch gewesen.
Über die Beweggründe warum ich mit Filmriss "pausiere" kann ich nicht viel sagen, außer das mir momentan jegliche Motivation zum Schreiben fehlt, jedenfalls in der bisherigen Form. Außerdem kommt mir das momentan zusehends alberner vor.
Was hier jetzt stattfindet weiß ich noch nicht so recht. Fakt ist, dass ich mit Filmriss nicht dahingekommen bin, wo ich hinwollte und mir vielleicht zuviel vorgenommen habe. Es ist mit Sicherheit noch nicht alles aus dem Leben des Charakters erzählt, geschweige denn seine aktuelle Position genug verdeutlicht, dennoch fehlt momentan ein wenig der Drang, was vielleich auch an einer gewissen zu starken Intensität meinerseits liegt, die ich hier unsichtbar für andere einsetze (ungefähr darauf zielt auch das von mir gewählte kryptische Zitat ab).
Fakt ist, dass ich mir überlege was nun weiterhin wird. Ich hoffe, dass wenn ich Filmriss erstmal ruhen lasse, ich entweder wieder lust bekomme daran oder etwas anderem weiter zu arbeiten.
Außerdem ist das Abenteuer Blog hier noch nicht beendet, trotz aller Abneigung gegenüber der bisher veröffentlichen Geschichte, ist mein Mitteilungsbedürfnis und Geltungsdrang so stark wie eh und je.
So happy I would be here if it is still stopping by from time to time. I try to offer now and then new.
So long ...
Because you absolutely nothing can stand
must always entirely be
must always grasp everything to be clear
like pieces of a puzzles
and small hands
after the parts do not fit the
Es gibt kein Außen mehr
kein Drinnen und Draußen mehr
Vorübergehend geschloßen.
Nach einem kurzen Sacken lassen, ist mir das hier jetzt doch zu kryptisch gewesen.
Über die Beweggründe warum ich mit Filmriss "pausiere" kann ich nicht viel sagen, außer das mir momentan jegliche Motivation zum Schreiben fehlt, jedenfalls in der bisherigen Form. Außerdem kommt mir das momentan zusehends alberner vor.
Was hier jetzt stattfindet weiß ich noch nicht so recht. Fakt ist, dass ich mit Filmriss nicht dahingekommen bin, wo ich hinwollte und mir vielleicht zuviel vorgenommen habe. Es ist mit Sicherheit noch nicht alles aus dem Leben des Charakters erzählt, geschweige denn seine aktuelle Position genug verdeutlicht, dennoch fehlt momentan ein wenig der Drang, was vielleich auch an einer gewissen zu starken Intensität meinerseits liegt, die ich hier unsichtbar für andere einsetze (ungefähr darauf zielt auch das von mir gewählte kryptische Zitat ab).
Fakt ist, dass ich mir überlege was nun weiterhin wird. Ich hoffe, dass wenn ich Filmriss erstmal ruhen lasse, ich entweder wieder lust bekomme daran oder etwas anderem weiter zu arbeiten.
Außerdem ist das Abenteuer Blog hier noch nicht beendet, trotz aller Abneigung gegenüber der bisher veröffentlichen Geschichte, ist mein Mitteilungsbedürfnis und Geltungsdrang so stark wie eh und je.
So happy I would be here if it is still stopping by from time to time. I try to offer now and then new.
So long ...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Wedding Menu Wording In Spanish
Abermalige TV-Ausstahlung + Webstream!
All air dates on OKTO:
Sat, 16:01:10, 20:00 clock
Sun, 17:01:10, 17:40 clock (WH)
Mo, 18:01:10, 01:00 clock (WH)
Sat, 23:01:10, 22:15 clock (WH)
in the show " Oktofokus - On every step "which is the first time on Saturday, the broadcast is at 20:00 on 17/01/2010 OKTO shown Every Step You Take (with German subtitles).
Details here in the official show blog .
moment later, to round out the theme, followed by an exciting panel discussion on video surveillance , was recorded in late 2008 at the Faculty of Law at the University of Vienna, with the following panelists:
• Dr. Ingeborg Zerbe, University Professor of Criminal Law
• Dr. Gregory King, Data Protection Commission
• Matthias Šubik, technology expert
• Mag Nino Leitner, director of "Every Step You Take"
Moderated by Fritz Kalteis.
OKTO is the network of UPC of AON and TV free of charge with Telekom Austria.
here to receive details: http://okto.tv/empfang/
BUT: OKTO is also available as FREE LIVE Webstream !
All air dates on OKTO:
Sat, 16:01:10, 20:00 clock
Sun, 17:01:10, 17:40 clock (WH)
Mo, 18:01:10, 01:00 clock (WH)
Sat, 23:01:10, 22:15 clock (WH)
in the show " Oktofokus - On every step "which is the first time on Saturday, the broadcast is at 20:00 on 17/01/2010 OKTO shown Every Step You Take (with German subtitles).
Details here in the official show blog .
moment later, to round out the theme, followed by an exciting panel discussion on video surveillance , was recorded in late 2008 at the Faculty of Law at the University of Vienna, with the following panelists:
• Dr. Ingeborg Zerbe, University Professor of Criminal Law
• Dr. Gregory King, Data Protection Commission
• Matthias Šubik, technology expert
• Mag Nino Leitner, director of "Every Step You Take"
Moderated by Fritz Kalteis.
OKTO is the network of UPC of AON and TV free of charge with Telekom Austria.
here to receive details: http://okto.tv/empfang/
BUT: OKTO is also available as FREE LIVE Webstream !

Friday, January 1, 2010
Generic4u.com Sibutramin
tear film part 10 b)
A chorus of voices that drunk "Old as a tree" to sing is what I hear, as I slowly wake up. My neck is tense and hurt by the hard wooden bench on which I have held in Jessica's winter garden a little power nap. Leppert sitting opposite me with a grin wider than any cat out of the Wonderland ever could. "Hey look, so fresh like a spring morning." When I try to answer, I noticed again until I'm totally full. Instead of a clever retort, coming out of my Throat a slightly bubbling groan.
After I set up myself and was able to successfully prevent the winter garden full of vomit, my speech center collects slowly. With not quite open my eyes, I ask, "What time?". Leppert brightens his cell phone. "Shortly after three. Incidentally, we have as always done everything right. The vodka is empty and half of the assistants here are already home. "I support the arms on the table in front of me and put his head in my hands. I breathe deeply again to cope, as I look up to me Leppert pushes for another beer, which with the condensation on the bottle looks too tempting to not to drink it. While I drink, Leppert pushes me under the table with his foot and whispers to me "Now we make you something clear," to.
I look at him blankly and think it is complete madness because I have no idea what that means. He looks intently at the label of his bottle and says, "Do you think she is really so great? I mean she is quite cute but you talk so of her as if she were Julia and thou Romeo "" What the ... "I open interrupts my mouth when I was Tanya's beautiful voice that is heard behind me." Who will be who mad? ". Despite my drunkenness, I realize Leppert's purpose. I kick him as hard as I can against his shin, but he did not even flinch.
With a smug smile he says: "Oh hi, so I know somebody pretty drunk who finds you, I think pretty cool. At least he speaks only for ages from you. "I will suddenly red and rigid even now staring at my bottle of view, I can now in any case. My brain tried to work on a plan to divert the dilemma anyway. No chance, I'm too drunk and can only think about how I beat Leppert now with my fist into his grinning face would. I would only stop bashing him when ... "Oh, okay." She says without which I would be able to somehow interpret. Ich bin gefickt und nicht auf die gute Weise. „Och Ben, nun sag doch auch mal was, eben warst du auch nicht so mundfaul“ Du bist Tot Leppert, Mausetot, wenn ich dich erwische…“ Was hast du denn gesagt?“ fragt sie mich sanft und legt mir dabei eine Hand in den Nacken. Ich erschaudere angenehm unter ihrer Berührung.
Ich hab keine Wahl, Flucht nach vorn. Alle zurückgelegten Brücken abbrennen. Was hab ich zu verlieren? Jetzt ist eh alles im Arsch. Und wenn ich schon abtrete dann mit einer Pyro-Show. Kein Platz mehr für Feigheit, kein Raum für Scham. Ich drehe mich um und sehe sie an. Ich schau in ihre Augen. Ich glaube einen Moment lang, dass ich das einfach nicht kann, kein Wort rausbekommen werde. I'm talking as if by itself, even during the first few words as to Leppert and smiles knowingly down at me as he leaves us alone.
I say this to a minimum reduced drunk mumbling:
"I've said that you are really beautiful. I mean, I know that's cheesy and corny, but that's what comes to mind when I look at you. Not that I think you're cool, although I would lie if I said I would not do that .. "what the hell am I saying? "... But that you're beautiful. Pretty. All right breathtaking to finally meet each stereotype. "Okay, I can not stop naja, dann mal weiter in den Gegenverkehr, Gaspedal durchdrücken. „Versteh mich nicht falsch, dass ist kein Angebot oder eine Frage, weil ich weiß das zwischen uns nichts sein wird, es sei denn du bist komplett geschmacksverirrt und wahnsinnig. Aber du hast mich nun mal gefragt und ich Antworte. Tanja du bist eine Person die mich wahnsinnig macht. Ich kann nicht aufhören dich anzusehen. Wenn du lächelst und ich mein dein ehrliches Lächeln, möchte ich aufschreien, weil es mit das tollste ist, was ich je gesehen habe. Das ist so wunderbar ehrlich und deshalb so hübsch. Auch wenn das jetzt klingt als wäre ich ein oberflächlicher Typ, dem einfach nur dein wunderhübsches Äußeres gefällt, muss ich das verneinen.“ Now I can look at them no more, I look back on the beer, which label I scrape off the side. "I do not know if you can say I love you, but I have a crush in any case. If not with you, because then with whom else? Never before has someone so impressed me very much. You are a fascinating person and mean to me in the short time that I know you took more than I thought that I could mean anyone. "
She says not a word, she took me in between tried a few times to interrupt, but I I just speak on. Idiot. Almost a minute passes, one minute in which I can not look at her and no one says a word. One last time I try to scrape together my courage, but there is nobody around. In the film, I would now try to kiss her.
I look up slowly. Still looking for a little bit of chutzpah in my heart, in order to complete what I started. I look into her eyes. In their view is clear emotion, I can not see everything. I breathe deeply. And then drink the entire rest of the beer in one gulp.
I get up, whispered softly: "Good night" and I move towards the door. On my way to just get the first car, I search the area from my eyes after Leppert. Not at all.
I sit on the passenger seat of my creamy white Citroen. Crank it down much, turn the radio on, put my sunglasses auf die auf dem Armaturenbrett liegt, lehne mich zurück und schließe die Augen. Alles was ich denke ist: „Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck….“
Fortsetzung folgt
Amn. d. Autors: Ich muss mich wieder langsam rantasten, also gibts erstmal Häppchen.
A chorus of voices that drunk "Old as a tree" to sing is what I hear, as I slowly wake up. My neck is tense and hurt by the hard wooden bench on which I have held in Jessica's winter garden a little power nap. Leppert sitting opposite me with a grin wider than any cat out of the Wonderland ever could. "Hey look, so fresh like a spring morning." When I try to answer, I noticed again until I'm totally full. Instead of a clever retort, coming out of my Throat a slightly bubbling groan.
After I set up myself and was able to successfully prevent the winter garden full of vomit, my speech center collects slowly. With not quite open my eyes, I ask, "What time?". Leppert brightens his cell phone. "Shortly after three. Incidentally, we have as always done everything right. The vodka is empty and half of the assistants here are already home. "I support the arms on the table in front of me and put his head in my hands. I breathe deeply again to cope, as I look up to me Leppert pushes for another beer, which with the condensation on the bottle looks too tempting to not to drink it. While I drink, Leppert pushes me under the table with his foot and whispers to me "Now we make you something clear," to.
I look at him blankly and think it is complete madness because I have no idea what that means. He looks intently at the label of his bottle and says, "Do you think she is really so great? I mean she is quite cute but you talk so of her as if she were Julia and thou Romeo "" What the ... "I open interrupts my mouth when I was Tanya's beautiful voice that is heard behind me." Who will be who mad? ". Despite my drunkenness, I realize Leppert's purpose. I kick him as hard as I can against his shin, but he did not even flinch.
With a smug smile he says: "Oh hi, so I know somebody pretty drunk who finds you, I think pretty cool. At least he speaks only for ages from you. "I will suddenly red and rigid even now staring at my bottle of view, I can now in any case. My brain tried to work on a plan to divert the dilemma anyway. No chance, I'm too drunk and can only think about how I beat Leppert now with my fist into his grinning face would. I would only stop bashing him when ... "Oh, okay." She says without which I would be able to somehow interpret. Ich bin gefickt und nicht auf die gute Weise. „Och Ben, nun sag doch auch mal was, eben warst du auch nicht so mundfaul“ Du bist Tot Leppert, Mausetot, wenn ich dich erwische…“ Was hast du denn gesagt?“ fragt sie mich sanft und legt mir dabei eine Hand in den Nacken. Ich erschaudere angenehm unter ihrer Berührung.
Ich hab keine Wahl, Flucht nach vorn. Alle zurückgelegten Brücken abbrennen. Was hab ich zu verlieren? Jetzt ist eh alles im Arsch. Und wenn ich schon abtrete dann mit einer Pyro-Show. Kein Platz mehr für Feigheit, kein Raum für Scham. Ich drehe mich um und sehe sie an. Ich schau in ihre Augen. Ich glaube einen Moment lang, dass ich das einfach nicht kann, kein Wort rausbekommen werde. I'm talking as if by itself, even during the first few words as to Leppert and smiles knowingly down at me as he leaves us alone.
I say this to a minimum reduced drunk mumbling:
"I've said that you are really beautiful. I mean, I know that's cheesy and corny, but that's what comes to mind when I look at you. Not that I think you're cool, although I would lie if I said I would not do that .. "what the hell am I saying? "... But that you're beautiful. Pretty. All right breathtaking to finally meet each stereotype. "Okay, I can not stop naja, dann mal weiter in den Gegenverkehr, Gaspedal durchdrücken. „Versteh mich nicht falsch, dass ist kein Angebot oder eine Frage, weil ich weiß das zwischen uns nichts sein wird, es sei denn du bist komplett geschmacksverirrt und wahnsinnig. Aber du hast mich nun mal gefragt und ich Antworte. Tanja du bist eine Person die mich wahnsinnig macht. Ich kann nicht aufhören dich anzusehen. Wenn du lächelst und ich mein dein ehrliches Lächeln, möchte ich aufschreien, weil es mit das tollste ist, was ich je gesehen habe. Das ist so wunderbar ehrlich und deshalb so hübsch. Auch wenn das jetzt klingt als wäre ich ein oberflächlicher Typ, dem einfach nur dein wunderhübsches Äußeres gefällt, muss ich das verneinen.“ Now I can look at them no more, I look back on the beer, which label I scrape off the side. "I do not know if you can say I love you, but I have a crush in any case. If not with you, because then with whom else? Never before has someone so impressed me very much. You are a fascinating person and mean to me in the short time that I know you took more than I thought that I could mean anyone. "
She says not a word, she took me in between tried a few times to interrupt, but I I just speak on. Idiot. Almost a minute passes, one minute in which I can not look at her and no one says a word. One last time I try to scrape together my courage, but there is nobody around. In the film, I would now try to kiss her.
I look up slowly. Still looking for a little bit of chutzpah in my heart, in order to complete what I started. I look into her eyes. In their view is clear emotion, I can not see everything. I breathe deeply. And then drink the entire rest of the beer in one gulp.
I get up, whispered softly: "Good night" and I move towards the door. On my way to just get the first car, I search the area from my eyes after Leppert. Not at all.
I sit on the passenger seat of my creamy white Citroen. Crank it down much, turn the radio on, put my sunglasses auf die auf dem Armaturenbrett liegt, lehne mich zurück und schließe die Augen. Alles was ich denke ist: „Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck….“
Fortsetzung folgt
Amn. d. Autors: Ich muss mich wieder langsam rantasten, also gibts erstmal Häppchen.
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