blackout part 10 a)
After Leppert has completed its extremely intimate relationship with him and the cactus any visible spines were removed, I will gently pricked into the back of the page. My head has given up any work due to the strong influence of alcohol, so I'm no idea who that might be just me and turn around.
Tanya is with a slight smile before me, I wear the other hand, when I see a fat drunken grin on display, which could even Andrea Bocelli interpret.
Her eyes darkened for a brief moment, he is friendly again, but this time played friendly "Have you ever full? It's not even eleven. "Joa, you could say I am ... affected, yes. Had previously ne little vodka session in the garden. "" That's pretty anti-social. So I do not want to offend but to be already so full before the party really gets going ... "
A discussion about how I'm really drunk and how it was justified breaks. I lose is clear that alcohol has made me a rhetorical Minderbemitteltem. I think it basically does not make any difference when I'm drunk and it is absolutely mindless, the adequacy of the measure be drunk at the time of day. "... And when I clock in the morning until nine booze and then go to the bakery full of reversals, it is again assi. So drink only in that small window of time between twelve and shit Six possible or what? "" That ... or you do not find it anti-social if the baker a next to you, as a result of its three parts per thousand can barely even stand up? The party is almost the baker and you find the type of fluctuating all incredibly embarrassing ... "
I look in the face of Fabian. His dark hair medium-length frame it on. They are curled perfectly harmonious. See the bright blue eyes bright but somehow reflective of, I can well imagine that many women interpret this look as sexy. He wears a polo shirt that emphasized his body, which, with its broad shoulders and strong upper body muscles roughly the opposite of my is. The Beck's gold in his hand, is almost perfectly with the label turned in my direction, it lacks only the faded slogan. Before me is a living billboard. "You are what you say?". "I hope they get disabled children and it dies.".
"Oh, then you would understand that she is angry that you would have said it differently." Although I do not think that this really was a joke, Fabian may look thoughtful, but I doubt that in his mind there is more operating than in the shop where we are in right now, I smile.
Fabian and I know us from the past, There was some consensus among friends, so you're off and running across the road. I had not seen him for years, but I know several corners, without which it would have ever interested that he now transmogrified and somewhere in the theater plays. When I went to this pub (the only one on a weekday morning for three clock still has) got was, he said hello to me and I offered myself to sit with him.
is now again a hour had passed, I have almost purely poured beer in record time four White and three double whiskey in me. The alcohol enveloped me again with the soothing cotton of intoxication. The bad conscience, and my hate and my anger (both myself, and to Tanja), are attenuated and pushed into the background. I can not explain why I just such a goofy pretty boy like him tell what happened, but also the Erklärungsnot not slow down my need.
"And then I just left, because then yes gabs to say anything anyway. I mean, I know that this really was not gentlemanly, but now is too late "Fabian is collected and briefly considered, he says," Well, Ben, is dependent real n hard bread. So what can not simply say ... "and adds a brilliant idea almost added," ... this is also hurting and so "!. A blessed inspiration comes after the other: "Hey, did you not stop it but really just that simple. First you part ne "waiting for my affirmative nod before he continued:" Then the car accident, Hagen, ... "My stomach cramps shortly" I've read in the newspaper, fuck drinking and driving, really scary! And now this understand what I mean? It's like, what is the name of a still ...?"
I look at him blankly, but I am actually a little bit of the Fabian surprised it has done that to bring everything into context. "Well, you, the one from the Bible, which always happens to the sone of shit. As if testing or something ... "" Do you think Job? "" Yes, exactly! Perhaps that is with you so a test or something? Had to see it this way, think prositiv, prositiv always think "I need the almost
indomitable urge to roll his eyes and me with his palm to his forehead resist clapping. Although it would be easy to despise Fabian for his ambivalence on appearance and intelligence, he collected just one advantage after another with me. can also he reminds me a bit right now to my personal idea of \u200b\u200bZaphod Beeblebrox in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Zaphod and you just do not be evil.
Despite the magnificent futility of his statements, versucht er anscheinend wirklich mir zu helfen. Mir, dem der ihn immer verachtet hat, weil er nur ein Schönling ist, der nicht lesen kann ohne unter jedem einzelnen Wort mit dem Finger entlang zu fahren. Meine Gedanken springen von diesem Klischee des geläuterten Misanthropen den ich gerade abgebe, zu dem was Tanja sagte.
„Das ist echt wie in irgendeiner scheiß Soap, sie hatte tatsächlich recht, dass kann man sich ja kaum ausmalen so kitschig wie das alles ist!“ Ich habe den Gedanken, Alkohol sei dank, sofort ausgesprochen, genau wie mein Gegenüber vorhin, welcher mich nur fragend ansieht. Der nächste meiner Gedanken wird auch sofort artikuliert „Sag mal, ich quatsch dich hier jetzt seit einer Stunde full, what are you doing here? "" Yes you, I have already told you yet, I have now completed NEN fat contract. Nivea For a TV ad from man. This is true coal, and I do not help to rub upper body freely beside myself with NEM mirror the face with sonem stuff ... "It Details to follow on when and where and what will be on display for sure, but even if he deserved it, that I listen to him now, I can not simple. My headache is suddenly back, accompanied by her new best friend the dizziness, also has my stomach can relax since the mention of Leppert accident again. I I try not to let on, but suddenly interrupts his narrative Fabian. "I see the age erst. yes now you have thrown something?". I hear him in such a dull and metallic, as if I had a knight's helmet. Although, even better than he would have one on. "Did I what?" I bring forth in a pained groan. "What threw. Ne E or better "" No! Why ... "" Old age is seen but the need to tell me anything. Your pupils are really weird and ... "he tilted his head slightly to look at me straight in the eye, I see the faint silhouette of my own reflection on his Iris ... you cross-eyed I think even a little "A broad smile creeps on his face. "You're on something on it you, I had to say anything, you only live once right?" I get up from the table, the alcohol seems to have struck extreme, I want to problems now and I have to just lean on a chair before I Guest WC stagger direction. I consider myself to be on the edge of the sink and vomit a brown slug, which can feel my throat on fire. When I look up, in my own reflection, I look emaciated in Red tarnished and in fact slightly squinting eyes. I am trying to remember if I've ever squinted that way, but the alcohol, the lights switched on in my head one by one slowly.
To be continued ...
Editor's note: In order to make myself a bit of pressure and to prevent the part that I begin again like two times, I have now published first part of Chapter 10. I hope I am now back on track.
If one does not read until then, I wish you all here even by watching a Merry Christmas and all the other stuff
Mfg kazper
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