Mai und Juni 2008 waren vollgepackt mit zusätzlichen Vorführungen von EVERY STEP YOU TAKE, ganz besonders in Deutschland und Österreich.
Den Höhepunkt dieses Screening-Tour waren zwei zusätzliche Festival-Screenings in Großbritannien und Österreich - und bei beiden Festivals war der Film für einen Preis nominiert.
Beim " Festival der Nationen ", einem der weltweit größten Festivals for non-commercial film, which takes place every year in Ebensee (Salzburg), the film has won a "Ebenseer Bears! The award ceremony was held on 21 June.

The red-carpet awards ceremony was held on 27 June 2008.
Was ist im Mai und Juni 2008 sonst noch so passiert?
Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung (rückwärts chronologisch):
• 27. Juni 2008:
The International Filmmaker Festival - Preisverleihung
Preisverleihung beim The International Filmmaker Festival (Kent, Großbritannien)
(Nominiert für "Bester Dokumentarfilm")
• 22. Juni 2008:
The International Filmmaker Festival - Vorführung
The International Filmmaker Festival Vorführung von EVERY STEP YOU TAKE um 18:00 im Vue Cinema West Ward cross Broadstairs Kent
• 21 June 2008:
Festival of Nations (A)
Awards ceremony at the Festival of Nations (Ebensee, A)
in Kino Ebensee at 19:30
• 11 June 2008:
Graz University of Technology Demonstration (A)

presentation in the Technical University of Graz (Austria), followed by a panel discussion on monitoring with Nino Leitner and other experts in this field
• 28 May 2008:
urbanoFILMS # 9 - Monitoring and city (Berlin)

show in the "Geodätenstand" of the Technical University of Berlin , followed by a panel discussion (organized by urbanophiles - a network of young architects in Berlin)
• 19-21. May 2008:
cinema screenings eight and a half (Saarbrücken, Germany)
Nino Leitner came on 19 May for an event that was supported by the Young Greens Saar and the Association Pro individual organized in the German city of Saarbruecken, where at a screening of his film cinema in eight and a half [program PDF link] attend, followed by a lively panel discussion with the audience and representatives of the Young Greens Saar and per individual. The film was on 20 and 21 Shown again in May.
• 16-18. May 2008:
31st Cross-country Film Festival Selb (Germany)
Film Festival screenings of EVERY STEP YOU TAKE as part of the "31-borderland Film Festival Selb"
• 2 May 2008:
Metaday # 13 (Vienna) The Vienna
Medienkunstlabor " Metalab " held Nino Leitner a lecture on video surveillance in Britain and showed a series of excerpts from his documentary.
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