In November 2007, EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was on show at WT Os International Film Festival in the Norwegian town of Os. There the film was nominated as one of four for the prize "Best Documentary"!

The full festival program here , and on page 19, the Norwegian summary refers to the documentary.
The prize "Best Documentary" was finally won by the U.S. Although documentary "Strictly Background ", but the nomination was a great honor. According to festival organizers for the interest EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was very large, and the film was very well received. Thank you!
EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was the WT Os International Film Festival in Norway on 9th November 2007 at 19:30 shown.
The second festival screening of EVERY STEP YOU TAKE in Austria after its world premiere in March 2007 diagonal in in November 2007 at the Student Film Festival film: riss 07 in Salzburg place, where director Nino Leitner studied and completed the documentary as his thesis film.

The team was pleased that the film was shown at a festival in the city where much of the editing and post production work was done on film.
The official program entry can be found here .
EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was in film: riss 07 in Salzburg on 15th November 2007 at 19:00 shown.
In October 2007 the Deutschland-Premiere von EVERY STEP YOU TAKE beim 22. Unabhängigen FilmFest Osnabrück statt.
Dort wurde der Film auch zum ersten Mal mit deutschen Untertiteln gezeigt, um möglichst vielen Menschen die Möglichkeit zu geben, alles zu verstehen. Optionale deutsche Untertitel sind auch auf der DVD-Version des Filmes verfügbar, die jetzt bestellt werden kann .
EVERY STEP YOU TAKE war einer von wenigen Filmen, die für den Friedensfilmpreis der Stadt Osnabrück nominiert waren.
Das offizielle Programm findet sich hier , der Dokumentarfilm wurde am 18. Oktober 2007 um 17:30 im Kino in der Lagerhalle gezeigt.
Regisseur Nino Leitner flog nach Osnabrück zur Vorführung und stand nach dem Film dem Publikum Rede und Antwort. Das deutsche Publikum zeigte sich begeistert vom Film, und so wurde die Frage-Antwort-Stunde zu einer lebhaften Diskussion über verschiedene Aspekte aus dem Film. Nicht zuletzt auch aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Osnabrücks Bürger selbst seit einigen Tagen erstmals Objekte der neu installierten öffentlichen Videoüberwachung wurden - was natürlich zu gemischten Reaktionen führte.
All in all it was a fantastic festival in a very friendly and welcoming environment, with numerous other international film wonders that both treated the audience, but also often led to interesting discussions among various people. The Independent Film Festival Osnabrück should not be missed also! It is truly a perfect insider's tip.
photos © 22nd Independent Film Festival Osnabrück
EVERY STEP YOU TAKE South America had its successful premiere in Brazil at the 31st Mostra - São Paulo International Film Festival !
The festival was held from 19 October to 1 November in the mega-metropolis of São Paulo, Brazil, instead. director Nino Leitner attend flew halfway around the globe to the premiere in Brazil!
you believe the biographical data in the official catalog, was the youngest director Nino Leitner among all directors , which had a long film at the festival! Altogether about 470 films were shown at the festival.
Klicken Sie hier, um eine Foto-Galerie mit Aufnahmen von der aufregenden Brasilien-Premiere bei diesem riesigen Festival zu sehen!
Die genauen Vorführdaten von EVERY STEP YOU TAKE ( CADA PASSO QUE VOCÊ DÁ ) waren wie folgt:
23.10.2007 um 16:00 im Centro Cultural São Paulo ,
24.10.2007 um 19:10 im Cine Pombril Sala 2 .
Der Film wurde mit einem anderen Film im PROGRAME DUPLO 3 in der Sektion INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE des Festivals gezeigt.
• Program entry in English
• director entry in English
• program entry in Portuguese
• director entry in Portuguese
photos © 31a Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo
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