Monday, August 24, 2009

How Long Does Neutragena Mist Last

blackout Part 4 Part 3

"Those who walk through the darkness need to see the light!"


At each funeral,
there is a good laugh at least

a real bang
Kettcar - mainly faith

As on the day of our confirmation, we are in lined up and link in this church, this time in the second rather than in the first row. In the first are Leppert family members. As the priest, his Klitschko ended the same inlet, silenced the terrible organ and all sat down.
I look to the left of me, Christian, David and Bollo . As before, we are again, gathered together to prove only this time around the fourth in our league last respects.
We are hypocrites, we are here because you are confined to funerals when a friend dies, even if you have a friend for years no longer called a friend and he is really just gone out of their way.
When I turn around I see more people from the past, actually mark e I all sitting here, even some primary school mates that since then nothing more to Leppert to do had been published . This Beerdingungstourismus makes me angry, I would like to yell and tell them that as a bigger hypocrite we are. I'm obviously too cowardly or too well educated, you studied a lot. Because of my anger, the helplessness that I feel and the sadness over Hagen Leppert my tears to the eyes.
I pull myself together, make me realize that I can immediately crowned king of the hypocrites if I now begin to whine. Then only thing missing that I embrace after the coffin when it is lowered into the grave, "WHY? WHY ONLY! "Scream.
If I'm honest, I'm rather sad for selfish motives. All this scares me, yes to Hagen Hagen is not only dead but also a part of our youth will bury any story that has turned Leppert (actually it has all called by his last name), each Party to which he was present, every beer I drank with him, is buried here now using. I feel sick, my stomach Ver - and relaxes itself. Even at the funeral of a former friend, my own being is the focus.
Leppert even before I had only a maximum of two times a year seen again, until you then lose all sight.
I take a deep breath and look back to that bulky wooden crate in the middle of the room in a now my former best friends from childhood - and teenage content.

I had since I escaped puberty am, I'm not the way fast enough, they get me every short skirt and after a few beers back in, no best friend.
Who has a best friend, so is designed to enforce a Ranking . Where there is a number one, it has a number two will otherwise make bulleted lists, and so does not make sense and where will we end it all? Then you measure the best friend status by the actions of this has taken place? Totally absurd the whole thing.
is no less absurd, certainly in the best sense of the word, at least; I always had several best friends. There were only three categories of people I have met. Strangers, acquaintances, friends. In women there were of course also potential partners for sex or love (or something similar), and potentially most cases this means that I want to but never would have stood a chance. As men talk
fortunately never on such classifications, I have always been spared certain divisions to justify. As a friend I'm a man that is considered very late, this was quite a bit of time spent and needed sympathy and if I'm honest, I'm a pretty bitter bastard, I do not like many people but for this much.

Die bisher meiste Zeit meines Lebens war mein Freundeskreis sieben Leute stark. Vier Kerle, drei Damen.
Trotz meiner von Misserfolg geprägten Vergangenheit in Sachen Liebe, Vietnam war nichts gegen mein wiederholtes glorreiches Scheitern, konnte ich schon immer gut mit Frauen umgehen. Ich konnte mich immer gut mit ihnen unterhalten, hab meistens verstanden worauf sie hinauswollten und was sie gerne hören würden. Obwohl ich eindeutig Qualitäten auf diesem kommunikativen Gebieten aufwies, ich würde mich tatsächlich als Frauenversteher bezeichnen, war ich nie fähig damit eine Frau zu gewinnen. Ich war der klischeehafte männliche Freund und bin es immer noch, wenn man es genau nimmt. Der mit dem man sich gar could not imagine what to do because he is like a brother for one. Or even better, like a sister.
Wow, thanks for the ego of a man pushing yes really. I believe it was thought that even Bo Diddley in I `am a man when he sings:

" All you pretty women ,
stand in line ,
I can make love to you baby , in
hour to 's time.

There's really nothing better for a woman that you look straight up and down look at that smile and you really find Mezedhes, tell you that they in anyone at the party to which you are straight, has a crush. I have found it for me when you tell women who they are in a crush, with whom they want or like to sleep with you totally objectively and flirt without talking about sex you've lost. The worst thing is, once you cross this line once, you're forever on the other side.
This is not always bad, I like to have friends and some will miss no more, but for me it is impossible for a woman must dig to have failed without entering either completely or to be their friend. But I and
Women, this is an issue which it later is still work up.

I am torn from my reverie. The priest , a small thin man whose hair Model is well described as a sports field with hedge begins with a perverse artificial grieving undertone in the voice of his sermon.
likely he's doing all right but I have just problems with churches, pastors, prayer, chanting the and all that stuff.
This priest is still a single figure of fun, it works like a parody of a pastor and to have that voice, a hysterical fit of laughter, a blurring of the boundaries of the variety between laughter and tears threatening to me. I take a deep breath, my mouth had little control, but just as I have look around for a way out of here as soon as possible to come, I win again by the text.
I'll get more air time staring at the coffin, imagine my dead friend before this in order to distribute any urge to laugh, I devote my attention back to the speaker.
"Dear brethren, we are gathered here around the body of John Hagen Leppert to hand over the earth and say goodbye to his soul. Here I would like from the book of Isaiah chapter . 9 read from verse 1 "

" The people in the dark converts have seen a great light, and they that dwell in the land dark, it seems hell are you doing a lot of the people ... "I gasp, my pupils dilate, I am struggling for breath, the laughter comes back and I know this time I can not stop him. The pastor turns in my mind's eye in Harvey Keitel which Jacob Fuller in "From Dusk till Dawn “ spielt. Ich springe mitten in der Predigt auf, Jacob verstummt für einen kurzen Moment und setzt dann seine Predigt fort. Ich sehe ihn, einen Baseballschläger und eine Schrotflinte zu einem improvisierten Kruzifix gebastelt, wie er einem Vampir nach dem anderen ins Gesicht schiesst und sagt „Die, die durch die Dunkelheit schreiten, müssen DAS LICHT SEHEN“ Bäm , der nächste Vampir kippt um und ich stolpere aus der Sitzreihe in den Mittelgang der Kirche, mir entwischt ein Lachen welches hoffentlich auch als Schluchzen interpretiert werden kann, höre noch das Flüstern einiger alter Damen in den hinteren Reihen and throw myself out of the great double doors.
I start to giggle louder, jump inelegant a small hedge, lean on the church building and laugh. My tears run down the cheek of which I am not sure whether it results from laughing. My laughter is indeed roaring loud, but so noisy that I troubled myself before that as it swells again . I sacks with his back to the church wall on the lawn. My laughter is louder, and then falls silent again. Pumped full of endorphins apathetic I smile to myself when I once again the whining sound of the pastor's hearing, which continues his sermon. My stomach becomes a lead ball and even before I see it, I hope for a miracle. Miracles are today, DDR weeks in Wonderland, in front of me on one of the huge stained glass windows of the church opened ... follows

Continued ...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Resort Casual Definition

It `sa Long Way Home


we were the first who came to the last

were bewildered by the Impressions
Kettcar - Drunk

at all I think as I my black slippers dressed, look in the mirror if the tie is in place and whether the white shirt is too much drawn from my stomach affected. I remember my tape that I recently had yet to move into the hand, it was my favorite tape and spent more time in my Walkman as Courtney Love in rehab. I can not swear to it but I'm strongly believe that the tape I also heard from Chris when I went from home. My Walkman I had in any case here, without whom I am gone nowhere, even as all were busy already then Discman Mini Disc MP3 players and the first prototype.

The Coke is warm and does not taste very good, but enjoy I touched every single drop of liquid sugar of my furry tongue and running down my greedy throat. The Snickers I dispose of halfway and that's really not my style

The sun rays are a single "Fuck You" in my face, as if the world I say: "It's a beautiful day, all doing it great, Not only is it good for you and so am suffering a drunkard, suffer.. And I'm not really good. My knees are shaking, sweat dripping from my forehead and still runs through my head when I turn my gaze for a bit. It comes in front of you as if you turn your head faster than you can handle it.
Despite my headache habe ich den Walkman natürlich auf Anschlag aufgedreht, wenn man 13 ist und rebellische Musik hört, ist das wichtigste das alle anderen wissen das du rebellische Musik hörst.
Der Toxoplasma Sänger grölt in mein Ohr „ … Danke für meine Arbeitsstelle. Danke für jeden neuen Tag. Danke für die Neutronen Bombe. Danke für jedes Attentat. Danke für den Zweiten Weltkrieg. Danke...“. Trotz der Qualen die ich durchlebe und die nur jemand nachvollziehen kann der auch schon einmal so richtig verkatert war, lächele ich. Ichfühle mich verändert und der Welt, welche mich immer noch verhöhnt, überlegen.
Ich war betrunken. Tatsächlich war ich betrunken und bin es wahrscheinlich noch. Obwohl der Weg von den Palweißers bis zu meinem Zuhause nur einige hundert Meter lang ist und maximal 10 Minuten dauert, hat diese Reise etwas besonderes für mich, einen symbolischen Wert, damals schon. Ich habe im Streit über meine Mutter gesiegt, habe jeden Alkohol getrunken den ich die Finger bekam, eine Zigarette geraucht (das erste und letzte Mal) und habe, soweit ich mich erinnere, sogar mehrere Minuten mit Saskia gesprochen. Sie ist in meiner Konfirmationsgruppe und auf meiner Realschule in einer Parallelklasse. Sie ist das erste Mädchen, welches mich auf eine primitive, direkte und für das Alter typische Weise interessiert.
Ich will mit ihr Körperflüssigkeiten austauschen. Dabei ist es erstmal egal, ob man nur a little rum makes everything right or if I get out of my wet dreams, is important only used it to get something. In the first place she likes me, the rest is then given by itself. I can still remember that we talked about music, everything I do not know, I hope I was charming and had left an impression.
I wonder where my jacket seriously indeed slow, but it will surface again. Toxoplasma are detached from Slime and I turn into my street. My six years older brother just leaving our house and want to get into his car when he saw me.
'age, make yourself for what, Mom and Dad are anything but in a good mood thanks to you, "he warns me, smiling. In view of our kitchen window and the reassurance that my mother is watching I let me help him my memory to refresh something, though I remember once to have been short at home while we were all on the way to our already published 3 to relocate hour-long binge in the garden of Christian, but I can not yet explain why my parents should be so mad at me.
I knew that the shoe debacle will have consequences, but that would be covered. "You're homecoming came and it was just dark, eight or nine clock you, neatly down the hall from the left measured to the right said, du wolltest noch was holen und hast dich im Flur erstmal richtig auf die Fresse gelegt. Dabei hat Mutter dann so einige Gras, Wein und was weiß ich was für Flecken auf deinem Jackett bemerkt und war schon stinksauer und hat dich gebeten um eins zuhause zu sein, was eine Ausnahme sei, wegen deiner Konfirmation und so.“ Okay, das änderte die Sachlage natürlich und das nicht unbedingt zu meinen Gunsten.
Mein Bruder steigt lachend in sein Auto und fährt davon, während ich langsam auf die Tür zusteuere.

Ich wühle in den Kartons, die ich innerhalb von 2 Wochen nicht geschafft habe im Keller zu verstauen und suche nach dieser drecks Kassette. Ich hatte die doch letztens erst in der Hand und habe extra noch thought that I must lie down somewhere where I can find it again. However, if I did, I do not remember. My new suit pants
entfusselte looped over my carpet never sucked and crumpled, but all that does not interest me, I look at the clock. I still have 10 minutes to find this damn tape. Then I have to go in any case. I look at a talk that the tape is not only a cheap reason to postpone the trip and join the first box ransacked angry and cursing aside.

Oh fuck, what you want now? Why do we resolve this now has to, I do not understand. I think to myself, while my parents are sitting in the kitchen my father's role as an evil-looking lighted cigarette smoking does, I often wonder if Chris Carter in the role of the CSM also by his father for inspiration and my mother yelling in a tone that lies somewhere between scolding and whining.
"The jacket is hence, forget it. The spots never go out again. "" But ... "I try to smash. "And what should turn up the crap that you here actually drunk as a thousand Russians and you also allow us to give a promise to that you do not think you are?"
"Is that ..." I try to explain to me when I interrupted again am.
"As we make a quick exception for you because you are confirmed ..", where "we" are and "you" of course, extremely stressed, "... and you leave a few liberties, can you even drink alcohol, so we go to prison may come .... "
"But .."
"... and you will thank us so, see to it that you get into bed and forget not to shower, you stink like an old drunkard."
of a fair trial can not speak, but I thank you once again at this moment that my parents do not think much of penalties since I'm from the infancy out. Hanging his head, and light Tears in my eyes, I always like crying when my parents yell at me even when I am in the right feel, I disappear into the bathroom.

damned piss, I'm already 20 minutes later than I wanted to go, but I got the damn thing. I knock the lint from my pants, I threw on my jacket and run down to the car. My cell phone vibrates, Christian's turn and ask where I stay, I always wanted to have him picked up. I confirm that I am on the way, I'll throw in my car and ... what now? Will I really out there? I consider myself in the rearview mirror, I am moderately shaved my hair, which more and more on my growing Stirn zurückweichen, sind zu einem strengen Zopf gebunden. Ich stelle mir mich mit meiner Frisur vor 15 Jahren vor und muss dabei lächeln. Ich muss irgendwann das Tape eingelegt haben, es laufen die Goldenen Zitronen mit dem Forever Young Cover Für immer Punk: „ Es ist jetzt vorbei und es war doch schön, wir blieben gern hier doch wir müssen nun gehen. Alles hat mal ein Ende weiß doch jeder von euch, auf wieder sehen…“ Ich sehe wie mein Gesicht im Innenspiegel in sich zusammenfällt, dann verschwimmt meine Sicht, ich wisch mir mit dem Ärmel über die Augen und starte den Motor.

Fortsetzung folgt...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ringworm From A Tatoo

blackout blackout blackout

Das erste mal


Whether the first time hurt? Of course, but not until the next morning. It is April, a very warm day for this month and it is the day after my confirmation. I open my eyes and see the first an all-engaging Okka.
I realize as I try to lift my head that I am on Okka color border tiles which lie stuck to my sweaty cheek. I'm lying in front of a panoramic terrace door, perfectly framed by impacting on me sunshine. We have no Okka-colored tiles, and certainly no panoramic terrace door. Before I can actually notice only because of the overwhelming evidence that I am not at home am, I know the area well known to me from this perspective foreign to me. The elegant dining room
swanky establishment. The huge table, almost a plaque with the solid wood upholstered chairs, which could be two thrones for kings, with their escalating arms and integrated carvings. I remember how many times we as children were afraid that these chairs have visible scars from it if they have fallen while playing.
I lie there and wonder what kind of wood this facility will be, my cheek still stuck on the tile too warm and I weigh whether it is the wood is walnut, wenge or mahogany is even. I still do not know. I should ask Chris tomorrow. However, it might also seem inappropriate. Let's see if the subject wood is perhaps somehow I knew even how. Whatever, back to my younger, I still drunk.

I'm on the floor in the dining room of the house Palweißer. Christian Palweißer, only son of the family and thus the sole heir of the family business, which may live to be not comparable to that of the family Danone, Bayer or the like, but enough money is killing a life in a sophisticated wealth, is one of my best friends.
Christian's family produces and sells padlocks, sometimes even internationally. They are not ABUS have but still some considerable success. They recognize the logo when they see it, this P in the central points of the Webern Looks almost like a family coat of arms that could be played on a plate.
I went to Christian together in primary school, even in the same class and since then we have been friends. The Christian was richer than the rest of us, family Palweißer had the only house in the area and what one, we noticed first on the fact they had a pantry, in which there was a whole shelf full of candy.
children wealth is not defined by the size of the house, but the fact that one always has when you want something sweet. One might almost say, dass für Kinder Schokolade, Weingummi und Kekse denselben Stellenwert haben wie Haus, Auto und Partner für ausgewachsene Menschen. Vielleicht wäre alles besser, wenn wir dieses Stadium nie verlassen hätte. Obwohl wir dann wahrscheinlich aufgrund ihrer Schokoladenvorkommen Belgien angreifen würden und Resolutionen gegen Massenbrokkoli-Anbau verabschieden würden.

Hab ich schon erwähnt, dass ich auf dem Boden liege? Ja, tu ich immer noch. Meine Haare haben nichts mehr von ihrer, Haarwachs sei dank, stacheligen Igelform, sondern kleben voll gesogen mit einer Mischung aus Schweiß, Stylingwachs und Dreck, wie ein speckiger Helm an meinem Schädel.
Ich setzte mich auf. Das weiße Propagandhi T-Shirt, welches ich nach dem kirchlichen Kram schnell mit dem Hemd austauschte, ist undefinierbar Fleckig und sollte bis zu seinem schrecklichen Unfall den es erleiden wird, nie wieder richtig sauber werden. Ein riesiger Sangriafleck befindet sich auf Bauchnabelhöhe, während der Kragen eine braungelbe Fleckenkombination aufweist, die verdächtig nach Erbrochenem riecht. Als ich eine für Männer typische „nach dem aufwachen“ Kratzhandlung vollziehen will, bemerke ich, dass meine Anzughose einen Riss direkt in meinem Schritt hat.
Beim betrachten dieses Gadrobenmassakers durchfährt ein schrecklicher Schmerz meinen Kopf, ein Pochen hinter der Stirn schwillt stark an und dann wieder ab, ohne mich aber ganz zu verlassen. Ich schau mich careful, there are a couple of bottles on the dining table, my shoes to my right, only my jacket seems gone and Chris is no trace. Slowly I get up wavering, the pounding in my head swells up again painful and I do I have to try hard not to fall again.
sedate I move through the huge dining room, with the aid of various pieces of furniture hangel I to the beginning of the spiral staircase that leads upwards and thus Christians rooms.
When I put the first foot on the stair, I feel it now but my priorities are set differently and kick their way first into the bathroom to the ground floor, guest WC. Palweißers have a guest WC and a family, the family has a bidet but no urinals, although both have enough money and space were available, which I think shows quite clearly who really wears the pants in the house Palweißer.
When I throw into the bathroom door open, and at first glance to me two things simultaneously clear. First, that the spots actually on my T-shirt collar, and generates the puke puke puke more. Violence begets violence and creates vomit resubmit.
I still wonder why I made it because last night to the bathroom, but puked on the front of the toilet Plüschvorleger have when I am sitting next to me already and me and the rest the world proves that I am capable of myself without collateral damage and pass accurately.

After I had removed my ejections I think after enough and I missed a water faucet shower, I walk soaking wet Christian's room. The fine gentleman Palweißer lies naked on his sofa, probably are the reasons why he was not in his empty bed is and I puked in the bathroom on the rug the same, an eye makes on as I open the door and hisses me a quiet, babbling "värpüss pönnen up, I Wüller" too. I shrug my shoulders, stagger down the stairs again, I grab a can of Coke and a Snickers bar from the Pantry and I'm on the way home.

continued ...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Veterinary Games Online

Part 2 Part 1


It is like a blackout that getting older. Last night you were still stinkbesoffen and happy at some party in a bar or just somewhere, then you are missing a couple of hours or years and you wake up and are now 30th
buzzing your head when you think of the lost time and you get a funny feeling in my stomach. It would be a lie to say alcohol had no role in the last 16 years played in my life but just as it would be a lie to say I would not cope without alcohol would be addicted oder ähnliches. Ich weiß, alle Süchtigen sagen sie sind nicht süchtig, trotzdem gab es in meinem Leben auch Wochen und Monate in denen ich sehr gut ausgekommen bin ohne voll zu sein, ich kann halt jederzeit damit aufhören, wenn ich will aber das will ich ja nicht.
Allerdings muss man sagen das ich gern betrunken bin, ich mag es zu zu sein, voll wie eine Strandhaubitze, mich wegzuballern, umzulatten, mir die Lichter auszuschießen, die Festplatte zu formatieren und mir derbe den Schädel abzureißen.


Ich denke an mein erstes Mal. Nicht so etwas überbewertetes wie das erste mal Sex, der erste Kuss oder das erste Mal das ich einen Regenbogen have seen, no, I think of the first drunken.
I stand in the hallway of the apartment of my parents, I am 13 years old, I'm sober, I have only one drink a beer once or twice and it is about 45 minutes before my confirmation.
The suit looks cruel, I thought it a good idea to stand out, I had a lot of shit ideas, especially with 13th They all take a black suit, I am not so stupid not want to be a philistine, and certainly no honest candidate for confirmation, I made this anyway just for the money. My jacket is white, mother thought that was a great idea, where was the parental duty of care? Why it has not prevented? see in the white blazer I look like a large 1.73 Raffaello. White is not thick, and certainly not fat prepubescent teenagers with spiky hair, listen to the Exploited too much and not be aware that the punk-being starts with the hair and the phrase-mongers to stop.
is currently the secondary but I am excited and a little scared. Not because of the religious ceremony that interests me about as much as the school. The thought that I was this afternoon for the first time can get drunk on my mind. There is also a power struggle between my mother and me.
"Benji" begins, as I hate it when it does so, not bad enough that her overweight son by her first name is like the most famous German cartoon elephant and radio play, no, it must use as well as the nickname of a Disney dog. "Benji, you can not go there in sneakers, even if the simple, take Dad's patent leather shoes, is only for two hours or so." Once they tried it in love, empathetic tone, they did not know I this dispute for I'll decide and thus in the photo that arises in three hours, not only will stand out because I'm the fattest, not just because I wear a white jacket, but also because I am the only one who is not dressed in men's shoes. Instead, I'm at the left edge of the image and you can clearly see my Globes, I look like a dork.
While my father torments himself into the bathroom, because he himself is not motivated but rather to see that religious stuff, mother keeps talking to me and binds me at the same time the tie (who could not escape me, also there are ties in the age kinda cool ). Their tone is much more stringent, authority level increases to 75%.
"We have not much time, now put on your shoes on, then we must go."
"For the last time, I prefer the not, I've said all along that I will not wear patent leather shoes, you have always smiled and waved off but I was serious. I keep to the Globes. "Answer me irritable and with a lot of the time typical for me would like to rebellion in the vote.
Then comes the crucial moment, the sad and angry at the same view of my mother, authority level to maximum, I think the stand and the last call, it is indeed two weeks offended but I won.
"You draw now, Dad's shoes ..." hissed my mother and then louder continue: "... but dalli, as looks for out of otherwise, with sneakers, is surely not so bad once patent leather shoes to wear!" Not
the they had not quite right, but that is not that what played here wird ist eine Schlacht ums Älterwerden, um Prinzipien und um einfaches Anti-Sein und ich wurde auserkoren um diese Schlacht zu gewinnen, ich bin der Neo der Neunziger, Luke Skywalker hätte.. nee hätte er nicht.. aber Han Solo ! Der hätte so gehandelt wie ich..vielleicht..
Die Zeit ist auf meiner Seite. Wir kommen sowieso fast schon zu spät.
„Wie ich schon sagte: Nein, ich sehe nicht ein warum ich für die ganzen Kirchenspastis…“
„Ja, gut dann halt nicht, dann geh halt so, schön in Turnschuhen damit du aussiehst wie ein Depp, mach was du willst, man hat es ja nur gut gemeint.“ fällt mir meine Mutter ins Wort und schafft es das ich mich trotz des eben errungenen Sieges, wie ein Verlierer fühle als sie durch den Flur stapft und die Schuhe wegkickt die ich gerade noch gebeten wurde anzuziehen und im Badezimmer verschwindet.

Fortsetzung folgt…

Watch Big Bang Theory Quicktime

First project: Filmriss

Vorwort :

Mit der folgenden Geschichte, welche weder schon fertig geschrieben noch das Stadium der Rohfassung verlassen hat, die ich euch nun Stück für Stück präsentiere, erzähle ich eine fiktive Geschichte mit vielen autobiographischen Einflüssen. Der Erzähler ist ein nun bald Dreißigjähriger, welcher sich in einer Art Midlife Crisis befindet und vor allem damit beschäftigt ist, in Erinnerungen an seine Jugendsünden zu schwelgen. Was genau allerdings wirklich von mir oder my environment was experienced real and what is real is purely fictitious, but not tell, I can promise you, but some things you would not believe me anyway.
To all my friends who may be found in some stories back hates me, I love you, everyone.
are also all the similarities to real people but are intended to by other names, etc. However, sufficient distorted and undergo character changes.
So and now, have fun or not.