Regular performances in Austria - EXTENDED!
We look forward to the first regular public screenings of "Every Step You Take" to announce in Austrian cinemas!
After its successful world premiere at the size 07 in March, "Every Step You Take" from June in selected Austrian cinemas and other venues are shown.
The first cinema, which presents the documentary, will be the
Schikaneder in Vienna. (Screenings at
Leokino were moved to Innsbruck in the fall.)
EXTENSION! Because of its success were added for the summer three more shows in the Schikaneder! This time, it "Late Night Specials" are:
Here NEW dates in Schikaneder (note change!):
• Fri, 10 August, 23:00
• Fri, 17 August, 23:00
• Fri, 24 August, 23:00
• Tue 19 June, 19:00 • Tue 12 June, 21:00 • Sat, 9th June, 19:00
address Schikaneder:
Margaret Straße 24 1040 Wien
Book online here or by phone at +43 (0) 1 58 55 888 daily from 18:00 on +43 (0) 1 58 52 867
This movie preview is on 14 June 2007 shown on all the information screens in Vienna. On 1 June, the excellent short film "
break " (in which Nino directed and which was awarded the provincial prizes for Tirol ORF short film competition "
Shorts on Screen 07 " won) as part of the "
night of the Tyrolean short film " in
ORF demonstrated Culture Haus Tirol . As a bonus, was at the very end nor a demonstration of "Every Step You Take" with free admission, the audience response has been very sympathetic!
Some photos from the interview mit ORF Moderator Thomas Arbeiter können
hier abgerufen werden
, und ein ganzes Video vom Interview findet sich gleich hier: