Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drain Plug On A Indy Trail

Press TV 'Cine Politics' halbstündige Filmrezension!

Sehen Sie sich die neue Press TV Filmrezension über die Doku hier an (englische Sprache):

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Hotest Indian Model

Idea No.17 - with or loved ones out of the rut

Many fairy tales end with the wedding. It ought to start here first! But in the look-up fairy tales have more right than you think ... which is a pity! I once collected a few ideas for you or your loved ones to thy can feel fabulous again: a call to unexpected time, only to say a love message ... a love letter, with the mail comes, or to find in an unexpected place is ... an unplanned evening walk or a picnic ... a long-cherished wish come true, without having much to talk about ... a serenade in front of the house (if you can not sing, maybe you should hire someone :))... or a breakfast table, you've met somewhere in the open ...

Do not let that the story ends!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Where To Buy St Dalfour Cream

Life is like a landscape

Sometimes there are times when you stand still. You progress forward and not hold our breath as it were. Then you draw you back in your mind and everything else rushes by you, as separated by an invisible fence from you. Only very rarely is a message, a message or a different person approached you. But it never goes so far that you realize your own stationary at all actually. It lasts until the sun rises. Just like that, at some day, you're ready again. Sometimes done something important - sometimes you do not know what it was that moving up again to move on.


Just go. Out of the valley.