Sunday, July 29, 2007

Useful Spanish Words For Wedding

London-Premiere am Portobello Film Festival - FREIER EINTRITT!

Less than a month after the the UK premiere of EVERY STEP YOU TAKE at the Cambridge Film Festival 2007 the huge Portobello Film Festival will host the London premiere of the documentary.

And best of all, admission to all events at the Portobello Film Festival is free!

Portobello Film Festival 2007 held from 1 - 21 August 2007 at various venues in London. EVERY STEP YOU TAKE at will as part of the Documentary Day "5 August (12:00 to 23:00) are shown. According to the official program for this day EVERY STEP will be one of the last films of the day, which means that it should be shown in the evening at about 20:00. Please be there earlier, nevertheless, as the program committee could decide to show the film but sooner - and besides, it is usual to give only limited seats.

Learn with the complete official program (in PDF format) here (is EVERY STEP mentioned on pages 5 and 6) , or just visit the Portobello Film Festival website for details of all kinds

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Kates Playground Height

Britische Premiere am Cambridge Film Festival 2007

EVERY STEP YOU TAKE was on 12 July 2007 its British premiere at the 27th Cambridge Film Festival , and it was a great success - he became the ten most popular films of the festival .

director Nino Leitner was after the screening on 12 July for a question and answer session is available. He was drawn into discussions about the film with a very critical and interested audience.

This question-answer session was videotaped, and is here with us now available:

"I am delighted to have been invited to this prestigious event, one of the UK's largest film festival, The. This documentary has finally reached its target audience, the British public. The feedback was great, a very educated audience. " notes director Nino Leitner.

"I think the film could actually help some fresh views on the controversial topic of CCTV, which is discussed in the British media has neither sufficient nor balanced."

"Ich fand es atemberaubend, wie Filmemacher-freundlich und persönlich mit uns am Festival umgegangen wurde, so etwas habe ich vorher noch nicht erlebt. Ich hoffe, irgendwann wieder beim Cambridge Film Festival eingeladen zu werden."

Bitte besuchen Sie die offizielle Website des 27th Cambridge Film Festivals für Details und das offizielle Programm. Hier finden Sie den offiziellen Festival-Eintrag auf der Website. Und hier können Sie das offizielle Festival-Programm downloaden , der Eintrag von EVERY STEP YOU TAKE ist auf Seite 46 oder gleich hier .

Vorführtermin war Donnerstag, 12. Juli 16:30 in Arts Picturehouse in Cambridge.

And here, finally, a promotional interview with Nino Leitner, the front of the "Every Step You Take" Premiere shot at the CFF of a team member of the festival:

Monday, July 2, 2007

How To Cover Furniture With Wrapping Paper

Kroatische Premiere am Libertas Film Festival 2007

Only a week after the announcement that EVERY STEP YOU TAKE its UK premiere at Cambridge will celebrate Film Festival , we are pleased to present us another festival invitation for the documentary can:

The Libertas Film Festival , the 29 June to 4 July 2007 wunderschönen Dubrovnik in Kroatien stattfindet, wird die kroatische Premiere unseres Filmes veranstalten.

Lernen Sie mehr über das Festival auf seiner offiziellen Website .

Sa., 30.6., 16:30 im Theatre Marin Dr ž i ć in Dubrovnik.

Hier finden Sie den vollständigen Vorführplan mit Beginnzeiten und -orten.

Es freut uns außerordentlich, dort zusammen mit einer nur kleinen Auswahl von anderen ambitionierten (aber hauptsächlich 'größeren') documentary to be shown !